How to Make a CBD Infused Smoothie Tropical Blueberry Twist

Looking to start that healthy living journey but you don’t have the time? Fruit smoothies are a healthy hack that provides you all the essentials of an optimized diet. Now we’re taking this healthy kick and giving a boost to remember – CBD. By adding …

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Berkshire CBD Review (In-Depth [High Quality CBD Flower])

Berkshire CBD Now that CBD products are everywhere, a great CBD product is CBD flower. CBD flower has the full of the plant intact. You get all the full spectrum of cannabinoids and all strains are grown with legal limits of THC (<.03%). Today I …

Berkshire CBD Review (In-Depth [High Quality CBD Flower]) Read Full Article »

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Complete Guide to CBD Medical Discoveries and Uses

If there’s one thing we can all rely on, it’s that every few years, there’s a new thing that enters the zeitgeist. One day the world is spinning along as usual, and the next, it seems that the latest phenomenon is the only thing on everyone’s mind. Sometimes these phenomena are hardly life-changing (remember slap bracelets?), and sometimes they alter the course of basic societal norms, like Facebook. But sometimes, as in the case of hemp plants and cannabidiol—or CBD, as it’s now commonly known—the story is a little more complicated.


A brief history of hemp

Here’s the thing about hemp (also known as cannabis sativa): it’s a really, really useful plant. Take away all the debate about potential mind-altering tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) levels and the negative connotations of the word “marijuana” and you’re left with a plant which has been in use since at least 10,000 B.C, and has been proven effective in treating all manner of conditions.


Hemp in the Old World

Because of the durability of hemp fibers, the ancient Chinese found all sorts of uses for it: they wove it into clothing, used it to create paper, and even grew it as the first war crop because bowstrings made of hemp were so much more durable than those crafted from bamboo.

Hemp was soaked and boiled to soften its fibers, and people quickly realized that the resulting broth or tea was an effective remedy for aches and ailments of all kinds.

Eventually, this news made it to Europe, where hemp was used to treat coughs and tumors.


Hemp in the New World

By the eighteenth century, hemp was established as a crop in the colonies of North America. Thomas Jefferson grew hemp at Monticello, as did George Washington at Mount Vernon.

Robert Burton’s Anatomy of the Melancholy recommended it as a treatment for mental disorders, while “The New England Dispensatory” and the “Edinburgh New Dispensatory” recommended it for pain, skin inflammation, and coughs. Colonists also used hemp paper for homespun clothing.


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Into the shadows and back out again: hemp’s long journey into daylight

It was all going so well, and then W.B. O’Shaughnessy began experiments with cannabis indica (the THC-rich marijuana plant). Hemp extract was listed in the U.S. Pharmacopeia and then was made illegal by laws like the Pure Food and Drug Act of 1906. Essentially, it stayed that way across most of the country (with some leeway for medical marijuana) until President Trump signed the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018 into law on December 20th.

The 2018 legislation allows for widespread commercial hemp cultivation, providing the plants have less than 0.3 percent THC. It also removes the restrictions around the transportation of hemp-derived products across state lines. The legal status of the plant has altered hugely in the last few years!

With this new legalization, scientists and researchers were freed to publish their research on the health benefits of CBD without fear of repercussion. And now, what we’re learning about what well-produced CBD “medical” products can do for the human body is truly amazing.


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How CBD works in the body: the endocannabinoid system (ECS)

The ECS is one of the central nervous system’s critical communications structures that works to control our physical and mental actions, reactions, and even moods. It’s made up of three elements which work together to keep the body and mind in good working order, or homeostasis:


These are chemical compounds which are found, produced and synthesized naturally within the body. Not to be confused with cannabinoids, which are plant-derived from hemp, and mimic or recreate the effect of our nervous system’s own endocannabinoids.



These live within our central nervous system where the ECS is also located and bond with both endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. But, then comes the tricky part…



Their job is to break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids, but they’re much less effective at neutralizing the effects of cannabinoids. So the plant-based compounds can do their jobs for much longer and more effectively than can our natural endocannabinoids, which means that they’re also very effective at returning the body to homeostasis.


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CBD and neurological issues

As we begin to develop a more thorough understanding of the ECS, exciting possibilities are emerging as to how CBD products could have direct effects on our neurological health. For example, research suggests that CBD has a promising impact on major neurological infirmities like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and general memory issues not associated with aging.

A now-famous 2011 study by Australian researchers Tim Karl and Carl Group found that CBD promotes the growth and development of brain cells; this can slow the decline of memory and other brain functions.

A 2016 study by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) found that activating CB1 and CB2 (cannabinoid) receptors in the brain helped recover better blood flow to the brain. Activating the receptors with CBD has increased brain cell activity and helped reduce brain cell damage commonly associated with traumatic brain injury (TBI).


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CBD and psychological disorders

Many mental health issues are acknowledged to cause people both physical and psychological pain. Patients are often prescribed highly addictive drugs with alarming potential side effects to deal with both types. An estimated 38.6 million Americans (16 percent) have a mental health disorder, and they account for 51.4 percent of the total number of opioids prescribed in the U.S. every year.

Studies have shown that people with mental health issues are also nearly twice as likely to stay on them as people without. So, take our current opioid epidemic, add people desperately searching for real relief from their pain. It’s no wonder that the news that CBD acts at the ECS’s GABA transmitters like benzos do was life-saving for people with psychological and mood disorders including:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Depression
  • Panic Disorder (including panic attacks)
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia

There’s even hope on the horizon that CBD can help with one of nature’s most-feared foes: cancer.


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CBD and cancer: early days, bright future

Although we’re still learning how CBD may—in the future—be able to fight the disease itself, it’s equally important to recognize how hemp oil can help with the side effects of cancer and its treatments.


Depression and anxiety

As we’ve discussed, CBD is widely regarded as an effective, safe treatment for depression, anxiety, and fear. This can be a merciful relief to both patients and loved ones as they battle the disease together.


Chronic pain

Although over 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain, cancer patients bear more than their fair share of this condition. And because of CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects and inhibition of neuropathic pain, there’s now an FDA-approved CBD-based drug—Sativex—to directly combat chronic pain.


More help is on the way

Researchers are working to develop CBD-based medications to combat nausea and neuropathy chemo patients suffer. There’s even promising early evidence of antitumor effects from CBD, as shown by clinical trials in mice and rats, as well as some results indicating that CBD may help prevent cancer from spreading.


The final word

As we learn more about the power of CBD, scientists and the public are becoming more excited about the potential future uses of this healing plant. CBD For Life is in your corner and provides the best in CBD health products. Still have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!

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Can CBD Treat Opioid Addiction?

Can CBD Treat Opioid Addiction? Each day, over 130 people in the USA die from overdosing on opioids. This abuse of prescription pain relievers, heroin, and synthetic opioids such as fentanyl affects public health as much as it does economic and social welfare and has …

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Head to Toe Benefits: What a CBD Tincture Can Do For Mind and Body

Here’s some good news, which many of us in the pro-CBD community are already aware of and which learned folk in general have realized for millennia: cannabidiol (CBD) is helpful in treating several afflictions. This is important for two reasons. First, the public declaration (by the World Health Organization, no less!) that CBD is a “harm-free,” non-psychotropic/psychoactive substance” has brought CBD into the mainstream as an acceptable natural dietary supplement.

Secondly, as public perception about the hemp plant has changed, both its popularity and people’s curiosity about its potential uses have gained exponential traction. These two pieces together—CBD’s change in legal status and its embrace by the public—have allowed scientists and researchers to feel free to publish research on the health benefits of CBD. What we’re learning about what CBD tinctures can do for the human body is truly amazing.


CBD tinctures: the basics

Apart from being a solid SAT vocab word and one that’s just kind of fun to say, “tincture” is really just a term for a plant-derived medicine or substance that has been dissolved and is suspended in ethanol. In other words, a natural remedy in liquid form. They are used in small doses, often dispensed by a dropper.

While all high-CBD products sourced from reputable producers and suppliers have their benefits, some forms are better for anyone seeking the effects of CBD oil. When it comes to quick delivery, tinctures may be your best option. This is due to several factors, all contained in one term:



Bioavailability simply means the degree and the rate at which something is absorbed into your bloodstream. It is affected by a couple of things: how much it has to pass through the body’s metabolic and digestive systems, and how much of the active substance is present in the remedy to begin with.  

Virtually every medicine has some “filler” in it, in order to stabilize and/or suspend the pharmaceutical portion of the product in a way that it can be reliably reproduced and manufactured. The bioavailability of drugs your doctor prescribes for you has already been determined when you get them, and it’s how they determine (according to your age, height, weight and sometimes other medications you may be taking) what dosage to prescribe.

Different forms of any extract or medication have differing bioavailability. That’s why you might be prescribed, say, three capsules of such-and-such to take three times a day, or five milliliters of the same thing to be taken twice a day—it all depends on how much the medicine’s medium affects its bioavailability.


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Sublingual delivery: how to use a CBD tincture

When it comes to bioavailability—which in this case means how much of and how quickly the CBD medical benefits hit your system—sublingual administration is definitely the most effective method. Sublingual means taken under the tongue, where the sublingual gland lives.

Tinctures placed under the tongue hit the sublingual gland, where they are then dispersed by the surrounding capillaries, directly into the body’s bloodstream. Meaning they bypass the “first-pass” metabolism that other oral medications face (where at least some of the active ingredients are absorbed and thus “lost”).

Therefore, the active ingredients in the CBD tincture can go directly to work wherever they’re needed in the ECS. Equally importantly, because they don’t first have to be routed through the body’s digestive system, CBD tinctures also get to their final destination much more quickly than other forms can.


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CBD tinctures or something else? Choosing the right CBD product for you

CBD products are used to help with everything from acne to anxiety (as well as other mental health issues and even serious, life-threatening diseases). So, just as with traditionally prescribed medications, both the form of the remedy and its method of delivery are critical considerations when deciding which CBD product you require. We’ve already covered why CBD tinctures are wonderful for most CBD-relief related issues. But that’s not to say that tinctures are—or should be—your only option. As with everything, always remember: it’s important to match the form to the function.


Oral CBD: edibles, capsules, and beverages

Unsurprisingly, edible forms of CBD have the lowest bioavailability—which makes sense, because they have the farthest to go. In fact, a 2009 study reported it at somewhere between four and 20 percent. This range has quite a bit to do with the amount and quality of CBD present in the product—yet another reason you should always make sure you’re buying from a supplier you can trust. It can take from 20 minutes to two hours to take effect.

This makes oral CBD products a great choice for low-grade anxiety issues (CBD gummies are often referred to as nature’s “chill pills”), for general uplift, and when the urgency for relief is low.


Topicals: creams, rubs, sprays, and ointments

Topical CBD “medical” products are great at reducing inflammation and providing specific pain relief to the spot where they are administered. They work because the skin contains cannabinoid receptors, so the remedy can get to work without having to be taken internally.

The ability to get this kind of targeted effect makes them an ideal choice for solving a specific problem—and in fact, topicals are a first choice for many arthritis sufferers. Replicated studies using rats (which is the standard human replacement model) have had great, demonstrated success with the method. However, many topicals are stuffed with fillers, which reduce the product’s bioavailability and general efficacy.


Taking CBD tinctures “off-roading:” how they can help when serious topical relief is critical

Although CBD tinctures are usually taken sublingually for immediate relief, they also work very well as topicals. Not only is the bioavailability of a CBD tincture higher than that of a “general” option, but the effects may also last much longer—some estimates put relief time at up to five hours.


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Got pain? Get CBD tinctures.

There’s no doubt about it: CBD tinctures are the big guns in CBD’s arsenal. CBD For Life provides the best in CBD health products formulated to maximize the benefit to your entire endocannabinoid system. Still have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!

The post Head to Toe Benefits: What a CBD Tincture Can Do For Mind and Body appeared first on CBD For Life.

CBD For Pain

Pain is something that we experience on a daily basis. It can come in many forms and sometimes be difficult to manage, however relief-seekers have found the ultimate solution. From those who wake up with aching joints to athletes in need of a recovery boost, a molecule found in hemp called “Cannabidiol,” or CBD, is a solution that is drawing the attention of the masses.

It’s becoming a revolution in health and wellness that has been happening since the early 2000’s. We started “going green” and experimenting with natural and organic based food diets and beauty products. Fast forward to 2010, these lifestyle choices and natural foods began to undeniably provide relief for those suffering from food intolerance, pain intolerance, and troubled mental wellness. This lead to the research of more natural based medicines which soon became the platform for CBD incorporated treatments.

Why CBD?

CBD interacts with a system that our bodies developed thousands of years ago called the Endocannabinoid system. This system exists throughout the body both internally and externally, in what we call CB-1 and CB-2 Receptors, these receptors interact with every other physiological system; circulatory system, respiratory system, nervous system, etc… It serves as a way for the body to regulate its own productivity and place energy where it needs to be used. The CB-1 receptors deal with functions of the central nervous system and act as a neuroprotectant by breaking up pain signals to the brain. CB-2 receptors deal with certain peripheral tissues which can regulate inflammation in the skin, lungs, and other mucosal tissues that may become exposed to pathogens in the environment. Lastly, another very important thing to remember is that mitochondria have CBD receptors, this inhibits cell proliferation and induces cell death of cancer cells and activated immune cells.

Treating Pain

When using CBD there are two ways to treat pain. Immediately with topicals and reducing overall chronic pain with an oil tincture. We recommend both. Our Pure CBD Pain Spray, CBD Rub, and a Massage Lotion or Foot Cream, work great all together to provide instant pain relief. But if you’re looking for the long term success in CBD pain management, you will want to start with a 300mg or 600mg CBD oil tincture used twice daily.  After about 4-7 days of consistent use, pain should be more manageable, sleep patterns will normalize, and overall stress levels should decrease.


What else can CBD be used for?

CBD For Dry Skin

CBD For Depression and Anxiety

CBD For Sleep

CBD For Inflammation and Allergies

CBD, Alcohol, and Prescription Medications

The post CBD For Pain appeared first on CBD For Life.

How CBD May Help Women With Menopause Symptoms

Women over 50, who are dealing with menopausal issues and other signs of aging, are a growing segment of CBD users and there are good reasons why. Unsurprisingly, there hasn’t been a lot of research on CBD’s effects on women, much less menopausal women. However, we can take the information we have now and apply it to the symptoms women in menopause often face.

Some Common Menopause Symptoms

Menopause affects every woman differently, but there are some symptoms that are extremely common. Women going through the change often experience:

  • mood swings
  • Depression
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia or wakefulness
  • Anxiety
  • Panic attacks
  • Hot flashes
  • Night sweats
  • Fatigue
  • Body aches and pains
  • Brain fog

This is by no means an exhaustive list of symptoms, but a few that almost every woman can expect to experience. If we look at symptoms that CBD is known to handle very well, we see plenty of crossovers between menopause, chronic inflammation, and stress.

CBD, Chronic Inflammation, and Stress

CBD provides effective relief for a growing number of conditions, but for our purposes, we’re going to focus on how CBD helps chronic inflammation and stress as well as symptoms of menopause.

In chronic inflammation, we may experience fatigue, body aches and pain, depression and anxiety, gastrointestinal issues, congestion, frequent infections, and dry eyes. Now let’s look at symptoms of chronic stress: inability to concentrate, moodiness, poor judgment, irritability, overwhelm, muscle tension or pain, fatigue, upset stomach, and sleep problems.

All three of these conditions share many of the same symptoms. Think about what life would be like if even half of them went away. What could you do if they were all better to at least some degree?

How CBD May Help

CBD acts on the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). The ECS runs through our entire body with receptors almost everywhere. The ECS exists to receive cannabinoids our body makes and can interact with the phytocannabinoids in CBD. The ECS regulates many biological processes like feeding, sleeping, some inflammatory reactions, and even cognitive function – all to help the body maintain homeostasis.

One of the endocannabinoids that our body makes is called anandamide, which is also known as the “bliss molecule”. Anandamide belongs to a class of lipids known as fatty acid amides (FAAs) that can dock to CB1 and CB2 receptors. Levels of this endocannabinoid go down during menopause and CBD can play a role in bringing anandamide levels back up. What does it all mean? It means bliss can be restored.

Will CBD Work for You?

You may be wondering if CBD will work for you and your situation. Like other supplements and natural remedies, the only way to know is to try it. All natural healing works in this way. You start at the lowest dose to see how your body reacts. It’s helpful to keep a journal for this experiment so you can note down how much you took and what the effects were. If you don’t see enough difference or the results went away after a day or two, try the next higher strength at the lowest dose and start again. It’s a process, but your comfort is worth the investment of time and money.

CBD is so mild that even children and pets can take it, so you are safe in your experimenting. The results are not jarring and they don’t crash into you. You will likely notice a pervasive calm within about 15 minutes of taking your dose. You won’t be high. You’ll just feel peaceful and good, like everything is going to work out. You will not be impaired in any way.

As the hours pass, you may notice other effects, like maybe you are ready to drift toward bed or your knees don’t hurt anymore. Greater effects like pain relief may take a few days or a week, maybe longer, to manifest. You may notice you are not taking any pain relievers. The effects of CBD are cumulative, which means they will increase over time if you keep taking it.

CBD Supplements Can Be a Valuable Part of a Healthy Regimen

It’s a good idea to try your initial experiments with CBD by themselves so you can see if it works on your symptoms. When you are feeling better, you may be very motivated to make other healthy changes in your life.

As with any supplement, you can get the most out of CBD by incorporating it into a regimen of other healthy changes. Menopause sufferers can benefit greatly from exercise, a healthy diet, and meditation. CBD may help you feel well enough to tackle these and other quality of life improvements.



Article by Cindi Clinton

Cindi Clinton is a health and wellness writer for hire, specializing in articles and blog posts that help the public understand CBD and CBD products. Formerly a newspaper columnist for a small newspaper, Cindi has won Golden Quill awards for her submissions. She has self-published four digital books. She lives in a semi-ghost town on a plateau in northern Oregon. Find her at or email

The post How CBD May Help Women With Menopause Symptoms appeared first on CBD For Life.

Gold Standard CBD Review [Great Variety of CBD]

Gold Standard CBD Today I will be reviewing a CBD company called Gold Standard CBD. Gold Standard CBD has a great variety of CBD smoking products as well as some CBD infused honey. In this review I will cover in depth all of the products …

Gold Standard CBD Review [Great Variety of CBD] Read Full Article »

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How Much Can CBD Therapy Impact Psychological Disorders?

Once upon a time, marijuana was the big enemy of the people. The title of the 1936 film Reefer Madness was still being used as a shorthand for wild drug abuse during the 1980s-era “Just Say No” anti-drug campaign.  

Any substance that was even tangentially linked to tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) suffered the same fate: including all strains of hemp. Hemp plants have been used since ancient times for relief—without cognitive impairment—from everything from inflammation and pain to neuralgia and depression.

Meanwhile, a perfectly legal, wildly lucrative, legitimate crisis was brewing as people in physical and psychological pain turned to their doctors for solutions.



Crisis one: opioid addiction

In 2016, more than two million Americans were reported to suffer from addiction to opioid-based pain relief medication. Deaths increased 72 percent from 2014-2015 alone, and since 2000, over 300,000 deaths have been directly related to opioid overdoses. In 2017 alone, an average of 130 Americans died this way every day. These numbers can’t really be much of a surprise: from 2000 to 2010, opioid prescriptions in the U.S. increased 104 percent. The drugs are effective, but the potential side effects are sobering.


cbd psychological pill bottles


Crisis two: benzodiazepine addiction

Let’s talk about an incredibly important but often under-reported factor in discussions around the opioid problem: the role of mental health and benzodiazepines (more commonly known as “benzos”) in the crisis.

Benzodiazepines—including diazepam (Valium), alprazolam (Xanax), clonazepam (Klonopin) and others—are prescription sedatives used to treat psychological problems. They work to calm or sedate the user by raising the brain’s GABA neurotransmitter levels.

Just as opioid prescriptions shot up this century, so too have benzo prescriptions. From 1996 to 2013, the number rose 67 percent—and the drug dosage per pill tripled as well.


A perfect storm: the connection between opioids and benzodiazepines

The fact that both opioids and benzos are addictive is widely known and accepted by virtually every reputable expert. Less known, though, is how often people with psychological disorders are first prescribed and then become addicted to both. In 2017, the “Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine” released some striking facts: An estimated 16 percent of Americans (38.6 million people) have a mental health disorder, and 18.7 percent of them use prescription opioids.

Adults with psychological conditions account for 51.4 percent of the total number of opioids prescribed in the U.S. every year, including all benzo prescriptions. Studies have shown that people with mental health issues are also nearly twice as likely to stay on them in the long run.


Let’s boil this down

Many mental health issues are acknowledged to cause people physical and psychological pain. People suffering from mental health disorders are often prescribed virtual boatloads of highly addictive drugs to deal with both types. Even taken separately, both classes of drugs come plastered with warnings about everything from cognitive impairment to long-term addiction. If taken together—as they often are—the two combined can be absolutely lethal.


The other “O” word

As of March 2018, more than 30 percent of opioid overdoses also involved benzodiazepines, because both types of drugs are designed to sedate their users and suppress their breathing. Both also—by design—impair cognitive function; in layman’s terms, the user’s nervous system simply can’t cope with the signals the drugs’ chemicals are sending it. And, because cognitive functioning is at this point dangerously impaired, symptoms such as difficulty breathing often go unrecognized.


cbd psychological pouring cbd oil from bottle


CBD therapy and CBD medical treatment

With all this knowledge, it only makes sense that many people are eager to find a less addictive remedy for psychological problems. Now that CBD is legal in all 50 states, more and more research and many animal studies suggest that what people have assumed for thousands of years is true. What’s that? CBD offers real relief to people suffering from debilitating mental and physical issues (including chronic pain) without causing cognitive impairment, and with virtually no side effects.


CBD therapy for GABA transmitter-related conditions

Benzodiazepines affect the endocannabinoid system (ECS), by interacting with the ECS’s GABA transmitters, making them useful for people with psychological and mood disorders including:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)
  • Depression
  • Panic Disorder (including panic attacks)
  • Sleep disorders like insomnia

But guess what? CBD can also help with all of these issues. CBD works within the ECS like the body’s natural endocannabinoids (our body’s homeostasis regulators). But the FAAH enzymes that break down endocannabinoids very quickly are drastically slowed by plant-based cannabidiols, which gives them a chance to return our bodies to homeostasis.


The science behind GABA-related CBD therapy

Recently, Australian scientists reported that CBD is a “positive allosteric modulator of the GABA-A receptor.” There’s a lot of science behind this, but essentially it means that CBD changes the shape of the GABA-A receptor, increasing its calming effects—just like benzos.


CBD therapy for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

Twenty-five million Americans have been affected by PTSD. Although scientists still can’t identify why some people get it and others don’t, some common causes include:

  • Combat exposure
  • Childhood physical abuse
  • Sexual violence
  • Physical assault
  • Being threatened with a weapon
  • Experiencing an accident

Some common increased-risk factors include:

  • Mental-health problems, such as anxiety or depression
  • Problems with substance misuse, such as excessive drinking or drug use
  • Lacking a good support system of family and friends
  • Blood relatives with mental health problems, including anxiety or depression

The science behind CBD therapy and PTSD treatment

Together, the causes and risk factors above create a sound recipe for a likelihood of PTSD. But now, research suggests that CBD products can help, because they disrupt the fear response in the hippocampus.


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CBD medical treatment for schizophrenia and psychosis—looking forward

There is still work to be done in proving CBD’s full use as a weapon against schizophrenia and psychosis. However, we do know that CBD has both anti-inflammatory and antipsychotic effects without the psychoactive effects of THC. Further, new research including a comprehensive review of 27 years’ worth of articles now states that cannabidiol “improves cognition in multiple preclinical models of cognitive impairment,” including schizophrenia.

Psychology Today reported on this issue as well: In 2012, a double-blind clinical trial on treatment for psychosis found that its subjects responded equally well to traditional antipsychotic medications and CBD oil.


cbd psychological woman swinging


Therapeutic properties of CBD: a future hope

Mental health treatment and respect for its sufferers have come a long way. And the studies indicating that widely available and now-legal CBD might be able to help offer a lot of hope. We’re happy and honored to be a small part of this juncture in history. CBD For Life provides the best in health and beauty products. Still have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!

The post How Much Can CBD Therapy Impact Psychological Disorders? appeared first on CBD For Life.

Take a hike, with CBD For Life

New Frontier

With the Farm Bill passing, Hemp derived products are legalized, and are no longer classified as Schedule I substance. There is still a lot of state regulations to work out, but we will be here with you to understand these new laws as they develop.

CBD For Life has been a company since February of 2015, pioneering the industry and setting the standard for quality and affordable products. Our hemp farms are registered with the state department of agriculture and our products are infused in an FDA approved facility in Edison, New Jersey. We’ve come a long way and we will continue to grow.

Time to Focus

The next two years are going to be big ones, CBD companies will be popping up left and right, loosely following regulations and looking for the corners to cut to make a profit. This means big trouble for the consumers in knowing who to trust. That’s why we want to be the CBD company you can call directly and talk to a real person  in less than 5 minutes, to answer any and all questions you may have.

Try it out! Dial 480-712-0337. If it’s after office hours you can leave a voicemail and we will call you back, but know that your call is important to us. Because navigating these waters is something we are familiar with and are more than happy to help. You can also email, we complete the inbox daily.

George Washington once said “Make the most of the Hemp Seed and sow it everywhere.” and we intended to do so, because according to Thomas Jefferson, “Hemp is one of the greatest, most important substances of our nation”. Let’s listen to our founding fathers and re-establish hemp as an industry, a medicine, and a viable resource for oil, plastic, fiber, paper, purifying soil, and so much more.

Thank you for choosing CBD For Life, we wouldn’t be the company we are today without your dedication and support. We owe it to the honesty of the people, the hard work of our employees, and the operations of our fearless women, Beth Stavola and Julie Winter for becoming the leading CBD company we are today.

For more information, sign up for our newsletter, follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and be sure to use coupon code GOCBD on your next purchase to get 10% off your order!

The post Take a hike, with CBD For Life appeared first on CBD For Life.