The Endocannabinoid System: What is it and What Does it Do?

The passing of the Agriculture Improvement Act of 2018, commonly known as the 2018 Farm Bill, has already done a great service to reputable cannabidiol (CBD) producers and distributors. Because CBD is now legal in all 50 states, as is its transportation across state lines, its health, general wellness and beauty benefits are now becoming more and more widely accepted. Both by the general public and the scientific community.

But even as its benefits continue to be backed up by study after study, for many people there still remains a basic lack of knowledge about specifically how and why CBD works so effectively. The short answer to this question is fairly simple: it’s all about CBD’s effect on the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). For a more detailed explanation of what that short answer actually means, read on.


The endocannabinoid system is present throughout the body.

The ECS is one of the body’s central nervous system’s critical neurotransmitter communications tools that works to control our physical and mental actions, reactions and even moods. It is made up of three elements, all of which have different functions. When working together properly, they keep the body, mind, and spirit in good working order. Briefly, the ECS is comprised of the following:



Endocannabinoids are chemical compounds which are found, produced and synthesized naturally within the body (specifically, within the ECS—which makes sense, because scientists named the system in their honor and in recognition of their critical role within it. Cannabinoids are natural extracts from the cannabis plant, which—when necessary and used correctly—mimic or recreate the effect of our nervous system’s own endocannabinoids.

Receptors within the central nervous system

Endocannabinoids and plant cannabinoids both bond with different receptors in our bodies. The two receptor types that are best understood at the moment are:

  • CB1: found in the central nervous system—specifically, within the brain and our spinal-cord nerves, and
  • CB2: found in the peripheral nervous system (like your extremities: hands, fingers, feet, etc.), digestive system and some cells within the immune system.



The final piece of the ECS puzzle is the group of enzymes that work to break down endocannabinoids and cannabinoids. Remember, our bodies make endocannabinoids; cannabinoids come from the seeds and stalks of the cannabis plant. Both bind to the receptors described above. However, our bodies’ enzymes neutralize their effects very differently.

For example, THC—which is the cannabinoid found in cannabis indica that gets you high—bonds to the CB1 receptor. Our bodies also produce an endocannabinoid, called anandamide, that bonds with the same CB1 receptor. This endocannabinoid does not produce a high…but it does have a calming effect within the body. The reason anandamide is beneficially calming without the more mind-altering high produced by THC is our body’s FAAH enzyme. FAAH’s job is to break down endocannabinoids like anandamide, which it does properly with our own naturally occurring chemicals. However, it does not work so effectively with the cannabinoid THC. This leads to the drug’s lingering, mind-altering effects.

This, incidentally, is where the good news about CBD really starts to make sense. Because CBD is a natural cannabinoid from cannabis sativa, our FAAH enzyme has a harder, slower time breaking it down. But, because CBD does not produce the same mind-altering effects of THC, this is advantageous. It allows anandamide to produce a stable, longer calming effect than it would if it were being broken down more quickly. The calming, anti-anxiety effects are greater; the negatives are removed.

This is just one example, of course, and there are many others. But understanding how the elements of the ECS work together is crucial in figuring out why the discovery of CBD’s effects is such a hopeful breakthrough for our general health. And it’s interesting, too, because the whole ECS was originally discovered by scientists who dedicated years to studying the effects marijuana had on people. Identifying CBD and its non-mind-altering but incredibly therapeutic effects on the body was a major, and completely unanticipated, revelation.


ECS CBD products on tray sitting on fur

What we know about the capabilities of the ECS.

Understanding endocannabinoid signaling, what makes up the ECS, and how all the pieces work together is one thing. But even more important is understanding precisely what it can do.

As a reminder, the ECS affects five major parts of the body:

  • The central nervous system (where CB1 lives);
  • The brain (CB1 again);
  • The intestinal tract (both CB1 and CB2 are present here),
  • The immune system (which lives within the peripheral nervous system but is a major CB2 receptor house of its own; and
  • The peripheral nervous system (this is where the majority of CB2 receptors live—specifically and primarily within the extremities and the immune system).


In essence, the ECS works within these five areas to regulate homeostasis in the human body. This is the ability of a living being (in this case, humans), to keep their internal systems stable regardless of external changes or stimulations.

A simple example of human homeostasis is our body’s ability to keep its internal temperature at 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit—a function of the central nervous system. When our core temperature dips or rises significantly above or below this level, we know that something is wrong in the immune system or peripheral nervous system (in the case of something like hypothermia).

Or, when we are hungry (the intestinal tract), our stomach growls or we get appetite pains. When we are dangerously hungry, we can feel faint or physically sick.

During times of stress, sadness or grief, we can feel almost “mad” with anxiety or depression. Our brain is unable to control our emotions within normal bounds.

In all of these examples: temperature, severe hunger and anxiety/depression, our homeostasis is out of whack. And our body activates our ECS to correct the problem.


ECS bright green cannabis leaves

Research scientists are learning more every day.

The public is developing more understanding of the difference between CBD and its wide-ranging health benefits and THC and its long-demonized association with illegal drug use. As this happens, research into CBD’s benefits continues to progress not only quickly but also effectively.

Already, the FDA has approved Epidiolex, a CBD-based drug that is having excellent effects on two forms of epilepsy that do not respond to typical treatments.

Numerous European studies have consistently shown CBD’s usefulness in fighting inflammation associated with everything from rheumatoid arthritis to chronic pain. There is even hope on the horizon for sufferers of multiple sclerosis, through treatments with simple CBD lotions and tinctures.


ECS cannabis leaves plants with buds

CBD is here to stay.

The government has made CBD legal. The public has accepted it as a non-threatening, incredibly helpful and therapeutic treatment for a host of issues. In a nutshell, CBD has proved itself in the toughest gladiator arenas of them all, and is still standing. And, thanks to its benefits, so are more and more people who might otherwise suffer in silence. CBD For Life provides the best in health and beauty products formulated to maximize the benefit to your endocannabinoid system. Still have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!


The post The Endocannabinoid System: What is it and What Does it Do? appeared first on CBD For Life.

CBD Oil For Seizures: Why Athletes Should Add it to Their Daily Regimen

People with seizure disorders have traditionally been discouraged from participating in sports. Depending on the type of sporting activity, suffering from seizures can pose a hazard, both to the patients as well as other athletes around them.

But these days, seizures are not letting athletes stop them from doing what they love. In fact, there are plenty of professional athletes who suffer from some type of seizure disorder who have been successful and made a living in professional sports despite their condition.

It also helps that there are several sophisticated treatment options to help athletes keep their seizures at bay. Although the pharmaceutical world certainly has their own products that are helpful, there are other more natural and even safer alternatives that athletes who are prone to seizures can take, including CBD products.

How Does CBD Work to Reduce Seizures?

CBD oil can alleviate a host of symptoms, including seizures. Perhaps the best-known and earliest example of the role that CBD oil can play in reducing seizures is what’s known as “Charlotte’s Web.” Named after a young girl who suffered from hundreds of seizures per day, the cannabis-derived oil was shown to significantly reduce the seizure frequency and severity in the child in the child.

Since then, numerous studies have continued to be conducted on CBD oil and its impact on reducing seizures from various neurological disorders. The results are so promising that CBD is even being touted as a legal treatment for specific types of seizure-related disorders.

Just recently, the FDA approved the use of CBD to treat two rare forms of seizure-inducing epilepsy. Epidiolex, which is a form of cannabidiol, is an FDA-approved treatment for Lennox-Gastaut syndrome and Dravet syndrome, two severe forms of epilepsy.

Epidiolex was shown to be effective in reducing the number and frequency of seizures in study participants who suffer from either one of the two syndromes mentioned. It’s even approved for treatment for children who suffer from these debilitating disorders.

CBD and the Endocannabinoid System

The miraculous effects of CBD on the neurological system and its ability to reduce the frequency and severity of seizures comes down to how this cannabinoid affects the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS). This important system is tasked with keeping all the systems of the body in proper balance, or “homeostasis.”

The ECS is able to maintain balance through naturally-occurring cannabinoids which are similar to compounds like CBD that are found in the cannabis plant. These endocannabinoids stimulate receptors of the ECS that are found all throughout the body and work to keep the systems of the body in balance.

When any one of these systems are off balance, that’s when disease and disorders creep in. That’s exactly what happens to epilepsy patients because their neurological systems are not functioning as they should. As such, they may suffer seizures.

Endocannabinoids that are naturally produced in the body are supposed to maintain homeostasis. But when they are unable to do so, external sources of cannabinoids – such as CBD oil – can step in to help out.

By interacting with the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system, CBD oil is able to help the ECS maintain balance in the body, which has a healing effect on several types of ailments in addition to seizures.

Why Athletes Should Take CBD as Part of Their Regimen

Any athletes who are prone to seizures from whatever ailment they suffer from can incorporate CBD oil into their daily regimens. They’ll find that not only can CBD help to alleviate their seizures, they’ll also be able to potentially protect their brains from any further damage as a result of contact on the field.

Studies have shown that CBD is able to limit the size of damaged brain tissue in rodents when administered just before or after a head injury. The cannabinoid may be able to provide neuroprotective effects in the brain and essentially protect this vital organ against damage related to head trauma.

This all stems once again from CBD’s ability to influence the receptors of the endocannabinoid system, which regulates – among other things – cerebral blood flow, neuroplasticity, and inflammation.

Endocannabinoid levels in the brain dramatically increase immediately following a traumatic brain injury, and the cannabinoid receptors can protect against neurological damage as a result of trauma.

Athletes will also find CBD hemp oil useful for treating pain and inflammation. It’s not uncommon for athletes to feel pain following vigorous training or performance on the field or court. And rather than taking NSAIDs or opioids to alleviate their pain and inflammation, CBD hemp oil can do the trick the natural way.

Many professional athletes are already incorporating CBD oil into their daily regimen. NFL players Derrick Morgan, Eugene Monroe, and Marvin Washington are known to use CBD oil to treat pain and even protect against brain injury, and UFC fighters Nate Diaz and Yair Rodriguez have also touted CBD’s effects on their pain management and how it helps them get back into the ring faster.

Final Thoughts

CBD oil is certainly a force to be reckoned with. Any athlete who battles seizures that would otherwise compromise their performance or ability to participate at all can find solace with CBD oil. This miraculous cannabinoid can do things in the body that only the most potent pharmaceuticals can, but without the negative side effects.

And now that the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has recently taken CBD off its lists of prohibited substances, athletes can be confident that they’re using an effective substance without having to worry about any repercussions.

Top Athletes Who Use CBD Oil and Why

There might still be a stigma surrounding the use of cannabis for medicinal and health purposes – along with the products derived from it – but that stigma is slowly being unraveled thanks to some of the world’s tops athletes.

Studies have continually shown the myriad of benefits that CBD oil can provide to pain relief. People are using it to reduce their seizures, alleviate their anxiety, or even minimize chronic pain and inflammation. Others are using it to improve their sleep and mood, while others still are taking it to protect their heart health and also reduce the risk of diabetes.

But while there are plenty of demographics that make use of CBD hemp oil to alleviate whatever symptoms they may be suffering from, athletes are probably the best example of a group that’s bringing CBD oil to the mainstream.

An increasing number of athletes are going public with their use of CBD hemp oil and their support of its use among other athletes and the general public as a whole. It’s now becoming increasingly well-known that CBD can have a plethora of benefits on the mind and body, and every day more and more athletes are discovering these advantages for their bodies.

Considering the amount of stress the body of an athlete goes through, it’s no surprise that athletes tend to be more at risk of injury or chronic overuse issues than the average individual. But many of them are becoming privy to the way that CBD oil can help them protect their bodies, increase recovery time, and keep them performing at their best as the cannabinoid works perfectly with the natural endocannabinoid system of the body.

The following athletes have come out to tout the benefits of CBD oil, thereby bringing this cannabis compound to the forefront and breaking down barriers.

NFL Linebacker Derrick Morgan

If there’s one sport that puts its athletes through a great deal of physical stress and trauma, it’s football. Players who participate in this sport – whether on an amateur or professional level – are putting themselves at risk for serious injury, considering the substantial contact between players on the field. It’s not unusual for players to experience at least one major injury – or more – throughout their football careers.

And with such injuries typically comes some form of treatment, which typically includes pain relievers. Unfortunately, many of the anti-inflammatory drugs and painkillers that athletes are prescribed are opioids, which have become the source of serious addictions and even overdose deaths.

Considering these serious side effects of painkillers, more and more athletes are turning to a safer, more natural pain-relieving substance that works just as well: CBD oil.

One top athlete in particular who claims to use CBD oil to effectively treat pain and inflammation that’s commonly linked to football training and injuries is Derrick Morgan, an NFL linebacker for the Tennessee Titans. In fact, he’s not the only football player in the NFL to support the use of CBD oil for athletes, and he likely won’t be the last.

Morgan made news headlines not long ago when he announced that he regularly uses CBD oil. He continues to speak out about how he believes that CBD is highly effective and has encouraged other fellow football players to consider using it over addictive opioids.

NFL Offensive Tackle Eugene Monroe

Eugene Monroe was the first active NFL football player to come out about his use of CBD oil and his advocacy for the cannabinoid regarding his health and wellness. He has been an active supporter of the “The Bright Lights Campaign,” which encourages continued studies on the effects of CBD and how it can potentially be a positive addition to a football player’s repertoire.

The goal of Monroe and the Bright Lights Campaign is to continue with studies so that broader clinical trials on CBD oils may be conducted, and those professional athletes won’t be penalized for using cannabis-related substances like CBD oil as part of their treatment protocols.

NFL Defensive End Leonard Marshall

Another professional football player to tout the effects of CBD oil is former NFL player Leonard Marshall. Like many other professional football players in the NFL, Marshall started to show signs of Chronic Traumatic Encephalopathy (CTE), a traumatic brain injury that is the result of numerous concussions.

It’s tough to say how many NFL players suffer from CTE, but it’s estimated that the number can be as high as 40%. And Leonard Marshal was one of those statistics.

But rather than using traditional medications to help treat his CTE, Marshall decided to turn to CBD oil instead. His experience was incredible, as his symptoms were significantly lowered and or even disappeared completely.

MMA Fighter Nate Diaz

Of course, injuries aren’t only reserved for NFL football players, nor is the use of CBD oil to treat their symptoms. In 2016, Nate Diaz came out in the open about his use of CBD oil after training and fighting by sparking up his CBD oil vape pen at a press conference following his fight against fellow fighter Conor Mcgregor.

When reporters asked what he was smoking, he was upfront about the fact that he was consuming CBD oil. He quickly explained that CBD oil helped him with the healing process and inflammation following intense bouts of training and fighting. Diaz claims to use CBD oil before and after his fights, as well as after his training.

MMA Fighter Chris Camozzi

Another mixed-martial artist using CBD oil to help him deal with pain and inflammation associated with his fighting is professional UFC fighter, Chris Camozzi. The fighter claims that CBD has been highly effective in helping him continue with his sport of choice.

Camozzi began taking hemp-derived CBD oil supplements following a severe knee injury, and since then, CBD has become a routine component of his training. The fighter claims that CBD oil has drastically improved his overall health and wellness.

Final Thoughts

While CBD and other derivatives of the cannabis plant continue to be met with speculation, athletes like the ones mentioned above are helping to pave the way to a more open-minded platform whereby fellow athletes and others can be free to use CBD oil without being met with hurdles that might make access to such products more difficult.

Natural CBD oil formulas are undoubtedly beneficial for athletes, as well as anyone who’s looking for a safer, more natural way to alleviate their symptoms without the potential hazards that may come with traditional pharmaceuticals. Getting started with CBD supplements is easy once you find a reputable CBD oil manufacturer to supply your CBD oil.

These Institutions Could Benefit from CBD Use

With an increasing number of institutions recognizing the benefits that CBD oil can have on the mind and body, more and more people are jumping on the bandwagon and incorporating CBD hemp oil into their daily regimen as an alternative to traditional treatments.

Since CBD oil is a derivative of the cannabis plant, it’s understandably been met with acceptance issues among both the general public as well as the government. But more and more reputable institutions are accepting the fact that CBD oil can and does have miraculous effects on the body.

CBD – or cannabidiol – is a non-psychoactive compound that is among dozens of other known compounds in different species of the cannabis plant. Cannabinoids, in particular, are those that can either trigger or block the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS) in the body.

More specifically, cannabinoids interact with the CB1 and CB2 receptors of the ECS, just as the body’s naturally-produced endocannabinoids do. CBD, in particular, does not stimulate or activate these receptors, but rather indirectly interacts with them to elicit specific responses, such as pain relief, mood improvement, inflammation reduction, and so forth.

Many organizations are recognizing the medical benefits of CBD, and are even going public with their claims that CBD has powerful potential as a medical supplement that can provide the same benefits as traditional medications, without the negative side effects.  

The following institutions have come out in support of CBD and continued research.

The World Health Organization (WHO)

Less than one year ago, the WHO released a report stating that they believe CBD to be safe. The report specified that CBD is not linked to any danger to public health and is not thought to be associated with the potential to cause addiction or abuse.

Further, the WHO believes and claims that CBD does have positive therapeutic applications for a number of medical conditions, including psychotic behavior, Alzheimer’s disease, or Crohn’s disease, among others. The WHO’s recent report also claims that CBD may have neuroprotective, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and even antitumor properties, making a promising substance that people should be looking at.

The Epilepsy Foundation

Perhaps the first-known benefit of CBD oil is its ability to significantly reduce the frequency and severity of seizures related to various neurological disorders, including epilepsy. The story of a little girl by the name of Charlotte who was successfully able to cut down on her seizures as a result of cannabis oil use is a popular one and is probably the first time that many people have even heard of CBD oil.

It should come as no surprise, then, that The Epilepsy Foundation is a proponent of CBD oil – and cannabis oil in general – to help alleviate seizures. This organization has numerous informational resources that specifically deal with medical cannabis.

A recent significant breakthrough for the institution and anyone who suffers from seizures is the approval of Epidiolex, the first marijuana-based epilepsy drug that’s been approved by the FDA. Epidiolex, which is a form of cannabidiol, will soon be legally used to treat two rare and severe forms of epilepsy: Dravet Syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome.

The Epilepsy Foundation has supported the use of cannabis and its derivatives for medical purposes since 2014.

The NFL Players Association

An increasing number of NFL players – both active and retired – are turning to CBD to alleviate their pain and inflammation associated with injuries suffered on the field. They’re also using it to alleviate any negative symptoms associated with traumatic brain injury, which is common among those who suffer from repeated concussions.

Now, the NFL Players Association believes that CBD oil can and should be used among players in the league without fear of being met with any repercussions as a result. In 2016, the NFL Players Association encouraged the NFL to be less stringent on cannabis policies, and in early 2017, both groups came to an agreement to relax any repercussions on players who use CBD and will continue to research CBD products for pain management and health benefits.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association (MDA)

Muscular dystrophy is a debilitating disease that can cause trouble breathing and swallowing in patients, as well as extreme pain. Patients often end up in a wheelchair and have their lifespans cut short.

But CBD oil may be effective in alleviating the symptoms of muscular dystrophy; namely, the chronic pain. There are plenty of studies that have found that CBD is effective at reducing pain and inflammation. And since these are some of the more common symptoms associated with patients with muscular dystrophy, CBD oil may be an ideal supplement to add to the treatment protocol for this disease.

The Muscular Dystrophy Association recognizes these studies, as well as the powerful effect that CBD may have on patients suffering from pain associated with MD. The MDA supports continued research on muscular dystrophy and new treatments for it, including CBD.

Thanks to ongoing MDA research, a patent application has been developed to treat Duchenne’s disease, a particular category under the umbrella of muscular dystrophy. It involves the combination of CBD and other cannabinoids that can alleviate symptoms thanks to their interaction with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system.

The MDA has long been advocating for patients to exercise their rights to turn to alternative supplements without being met with any issues, as well as the right for patients and their physicians to come up with the best type of treatment, which may include CBD.

The American Cancer Society

Some studies have suggested that CBD oil may be effective in treating nausea associated with specific cancer treatments, including chemotherapy. CBD has also been linked to an increase in appetite among cancer patients. But what’s even more promising is the potential for CBD to slow down the growth of cancer cells and possibly even shrink tumors of specific types of cancers.

The American Cancer Society recognizes such studies and supports research on cannabis research. They’re also supporting the fight to reclassify marijuana from a Schedule I to Schedule II substance under to the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). They also advocate the right for a patient to decide what type of medical care to take.

While the organization doesn’t necessarily endorse cannabis, it does publish current research information on its website.

Final Thoughts

CBD hemp is definitely making its way up the ranks regarding an alternative to traditional medicine, and the support of major associations such as those mentioned above should help to make the study and use of CBD for various ailments much more understood and accepted.

CBD for Pets: Should You Try It? (Read About the Amazing Benefits)

With the rising popularity of CBD and its effectiveness in treating myriad symptoms in humans, many have started to wonder whether it’s as effective for pets. We here at Honest CBD Reviews also wanted to see if CBD is effective for pets. So we decided …

CBD for Pets: Should You Try It? (Read About the Amazing Benefits) Read Full Article »

The post CBD for Pets: Should You Try It? (Read About the Amazing Benefits) appeared first on Honest CBD Reviews.

7 Life changing health benefits of CBD for senior citizens

As we age in life, we can soon find that our bodies are no longer quite as strong as they once were. Aging, though, does not have to mean that you need to live a life of minimal activity. It’s common for someone to struggle with their health as they age, but there are many useful remedies that you could use to help combat this problem. One commonly suggested solution, then, is that of CBD.

What is CBD?

CBD has become a term that you will hear a lot more, as many western nations begin to realize the various medical benefits that it has. CBD, then, is the abbreviation of Cannabidiol. Yes, it’s part of the cannabis plant. No, it won’t leave you feeling ‘stoned’ or ‘high’ – it has none of the effects caused by cannabis apart from the benefits that we’re about to cover below.

If you are wary of using CBD as you fear that it might leave you feeling under the influence, fear not. The part of cannabis that delivers the psychoactive side of things is called THC, and this is nothing like THC. While many people are open to the idea that CBD could be good for their health, they are unlikely to try it out due to the presence of THC.

However, you don’t need to take one and the other. You can instead get CBD supplements and oils which can provide you with numerous benefits, including the following.

1.    CBD can help to limit pain

CBD is first and foremost a tool for relieving pain, stress and excess tension within the body. This is essential for those suffering from muscle and joint issues, as well as those who suffer from chronic health conditions such as arthritis.

If you presently suffer from such issues, the CBD could help you to limit and remove that pain. It can also help with things like typical joint pain and even Multiple Sclerosis. If you are suffering from these issues, CBD could to relieve you of some of the pain and ensure that you start to feel healthier and more active.

2.    Strengthen bones and improve organ function

Just as you were always told as a youngster to drink milk for calcium to make your bones less brittle, CBD can help to both strengthen bones and improve organ function. This is one of the main reasons to take CBD; it could be the difference between a bruise after a fall or a broken bone. Our bones typically start to lose their strength as time goes on, and you could find that you could easily reduce the likelihood of a fall becoming fatal just by taking CBD.

Your bones and organs need protection; protection which CBD can happily provide.

3.    Sleep easier at night

When you put your head down for the evening, it can be hard to get to sleep as a senior. If you worry that you might struggle to get a good night’s sleep, then CBD could help you to make sure that you get more than forty winks when you go down for the evening.

This is one of the main reasons why you should use CBD; a good quality of sleep is essential to a high quality of life. This helps to calm the body and mind, allowing you to get a healthier, more structured sleep. If you sleep poorly or sleep little, CBD can be very useful indeed.

4.    Fend off and combat neurodegenerative diseases

As we age, our body becomes more likely to face problems such as Alzheimer’s Disease or MS. If you are worried that you might have this waiting for you down the line, CBD could help to prevent or even delay that. While there is more work needed, and more research required. the signs that you could theoretically hold off such conditions from developing – or worsening – by using CBD are there.

With the various benefits that it can offer to the body, such as improving the receptors that interact with our brain and our nervous system, you can usually help to reduce the likelihood of such conditions.

5.    Improve digestion and regulate bowel movements

While it might not be the most glamorous of topics, having a comfortable stomach is obviously very important. With that in mind, we recommend that you look to take care of your bowels by taking in more CBD. It’s excellent for helping to stimulate cells in the body and to stop the development of diseases such as Crohn’s Disease, too.

On top of that, CBD is helpful for making your bowel movements less uncomfortable and more regular. This is because it helps to reduce inflammation within key areas of the body, including near our bowels and digestive organs.

6.    Fight off retinal conditions such as glaucoma

If your eyes are beginning to fail you, then you might need to look at taking CBD. A pair of glasses will do a lot of good for you, but CBD will actively fight issues such as glaucoma for your body. There is a lot of treatment out there showing the benefits, meaning that you can help to reduce pressure within the eye.

It can also help to relieve you of the pain caused by glaucoma, which can be very useful indeed.

7.    Improve heart health and strengthen key organs

Your heart will also thank you if you choose to use CBD. Studies show that CBD has a great means of helping with high blood pressure, helping you to reduce your body and your heart from being under needless pressure. Bad heart conditions can become fatal in a senior, so we recommend that you try and get some CBD into your system as it helps to improve key organ function and reduces pressure on these organs.

Done right, this could really help you to start feeling fitter, stronger and more capable of dealing with the tasks the day throws at you.

Original Article by James Adams

The post 7 Life changing health benefits of CBD for senior citizens appeared first on CBD For Life.

Adding CBD Oil into Physical Therapy Practice

You may have heard of essential oils and other types of topicals being used in physical therapy practices, but have you heard of CBD oil?

Many physical therapists and others in the healthcare industry are starting to incorporate CBD oil into their practices, and for good reason.

As they find out more and more about CBD oil and its medical and wellness benefits, an increasing number of physical therapists are adding CBD oil into their practices to be applied to their patients to provide an enhanced therapeutic experience.

So many people can benefit from physical therapy treatment. Whether patients are using it to reduce their pain, recover from injury, recover from surgery, or even avoid surgery altogether, physical therapy can have a myriad of applications.

And as beneficial as physical therapy can be, CBD oil may be able to make it even more effective.

If you run a physical therapy practice, you might want to consider adding CBD oil to your repertoire to provide your patients with a heightened therapeutic experience. You can also offer CBD oil to patients to be used in between sessions so they can continue to experience the therapeutic effects of the cannabinoid before their next appointment.

What is CBD Oil?

CBD, which is short for cannabidiol, is a phytocannabinoid that’s found in cannabis or industrial hemp plants. It’s one of the most abundant compounds in these plants, along with another cannabinoid, THC.

CBD supplements are generally low in THC or are void of it altogether, though that depends on the plant it is extracted from. Generally speaking, hemp-derived CBD tends to be extremely low or completely void of THC, making it safe to take for those not looking to get high.

CBD is the non-psychoactive cannabinoid of the plant, unlike THC which induces mind-altering effects. It has already been hailed for its benefits in both humans and animals and has the miraculous ability to impact several processes that the endocannabinoid system regulates.

This cannabinoid works to alleviate a number of symptoms, thanks to its interaction with the receptors of the endocannabinoid system (ECS). This system promotes balance in the body by regulating a host of different biological functions, including sleep, pain, inflammation, mood, and appetite, among others. It makes use of naturally-occurring endocannabinoids to maintain homeostasis in the body by communicating between nerve cells throughout the body.

Plant-based cannabinoids like CBD also can mimic the actions and effects of the endocannabinoids of the ECS to provide the same types of effects. When absorbed in the body, CBD can interact with specific receptors of the ECS and influence experiences in the body.

Studies have shown CBD’s ability to reduce pain, minimize inflammation, improve mood, regulate the metabolism, strengthen immunity, reduce the number and severity of seizures, alleviate nausea, and even potentially slow down the growth of specific cancer cells and tumors.

CBD oil is a specific source of CBD and is a pure and concentrated form of cannabidiol. However, there are several other forms of CBD that consumers may use to benefit from the healing effects of cannabidiol.

How CBD Can Be Used in a Physical Therapy Practice

The goal of a physical therapist is to improve motor function and reduce pain in patients. Current practices already do a great job of helping patients regain their mobility following injury or surgery, as well as reduce pain as a result of such trauma. But CBD oil can give physical therapy a boost to help patients achieve even greater results.

CBD oil supplements may help to enhance therapy to help patients achieve and maintain optimal balance, which can help them better manage their physical limitations or even help to avoid other physical issues going forward.

Over the recent past, there has been an ongoing shift in how the world views cannabis and its derivatives regarding how it can be medically beneficial. Thanks to continued clinical research on CBD, the medical world is increasingly embracing the cannabinoid as far as how it can have a therapeutic application in the medical field, including in physical therapy practices.

CBD oil supplements are available in several different formats and concentrations to help customize them for your patients’ needs. CBD tinctures, topicals, capsules, and oils can all be opted for depending on the specific ailment being treated and the particular needs of the patient.

Considering the current results of recent studies on CBD, physical therapists should become familiar with the options available for their patients. While CBD oil isn’t necessarily a standard part of the average physical therapy practice, it should still be considered as a viable option to incorporate into specific treatments and for certain patients.

Is CBD Legal?

Of course, there’s always the legal matter to consider before implementing CBD oil into practice in physical therapy offices. Just recently, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) determined that CBD should be categorized as a Schedule I Substance under the Controlled Substances Act, even though it’s been shown that CBD has plenty of medical applications and produces no mind-altering effects.

This ruling comes not long after the DEA released an internal directive affirming their position that cannabinoids are not illegal themselves, but rather their legality depends on the legal source of the product that the cannabinoid is derived from. In the case of hemp, then, it would stand to reason that hemp-derived CBD would be federally legal.

Regardless, there is certainly a grey area when it comes to the legality of CBD on a federal level. But each individual state is free to come up with their own legislation regarding CBD. State laws on CBD vary widely, though most states allow hemp-derived CBD with less than 0.3% THC to be widely distributed and used.

Final Thoughts

Adding CBD oil to your physical therapy practice is a completely individual decision to make. Of course, there are certain things to consider, especially when it comes to legal matters in your particular state and whether or not your particular patients would be open to incorporating CBD oil into their therapy sessions and even at home.

But given the incredible results from study after study on CBD oil and its ability to relieve pain and inflammation, improve mobility, and even reduce anxiety associated with physical discomfort, physical therapists should at least consider how CBD oil can benefit their patients and their practice as a whole.

Can CBD Help With Breast Cancer? Part 2


Cancer has become a major public health concern in the United States and around the globe. It is estimated that one in four deaths in the US are due to cancer. Statistics from 2005 estimated that 1.4 million people were diagnosed with cancer that year and the estimated amount of deaths was just over half a million and the growth rate was projected to increase by 0.3% per year. In general, cancer can be characterized as neoplastic and is due to numerous cellular changes. Although all cancers are different, the common features underlying neoplasia (Tumor growth) is alterations in the cellular membrane. It has become apparent that these changes are caused by environmental factors like poor air quality, smoking tobacco, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, poor work environments, poor diet and radiation exposure, Jemal et al., 2009.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has been recognized as a major non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis that can be ingested or applied topically. Research has shown that cannabis possesses anti-neoplastic properties, meaning that it can inhibit or halt the development of cancerous tumors by initiating cell death, limiting inflammation, cell proliferation, and cell survival. In particular, emerging evidence suggests that cannabinoid receptors expressed by tumor cells may offer a healthier strategy to treat certain cancers, which may also depend on how aggressive it might be McAllister et al., 2011.


Although most cancers can be characterized by cellular mutation, inflammation and neoplasia (Tumor growth) each cancer type posses a unique characteristic, which makes progression of the disease unpredictable and unique to each diagnosis and breast cancer is no exception to these characteristics.

Metastasis typically characterizes the final stages of breast cancer, meaning that the cancer has actually spread through the lymphatic system to other regions of the body and seems to be the least understood component of any cancer. The Id-1 gene has recently been shown to be a key regulator of the metastatic potential of the breast. It has recently been explained that Id-1 was down regulated with administration of cannabidiol (CBD), in aggressive human breast cancer cells. The CBD concentrations effective at inhibiting Id-1 expression correlated with those used to inhibit the proliferative and invasive activity of breast cancer cells McAllister et al., 2007

An additional study on human breast carcinoma indicated that the use of cannabis extracts enriched in either cannabidiol (CBD) or THC showed success in a panel of tumor cell lines that clearly demonstrated, of the five natural compounds tested, cannabidiol is the most potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth and proliferation, Ligresti et al., 2006. CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.

Although many of these findings are still in the preliminary stages, the safety and efficacy of cannabis products is becoming a force to be reckoned with. As legislations have shifted, we hope to see a change in the efforts of Americas health care system to advocate for the efficacy of cannabis to treat up to 93 different ailments including cancer, naturally.


Data has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of CBD in pre-clinical models of breast cancer. The results have the potential to lead to the development of revolutionized non-toxic compounds for the treatment of breast cancer metastasis, and the information gained through recent experiments broaden our knowledge of cannabinoid biology as it pertains to cancer progression Shrivastava et al., 2011.

It has been documented that endo-cannabinoid agents affect multiple signaling pathways and biological processes involved in cancer development. Emerging evidence suggests that agonists of cannabinoid receptors, which share the useful property to differentiate between tumor cells and their unchanged counterparts, could represent a tumor-selective ability to treat cancer in addition to their already exploited use to treat nausea, pain, anorexia and weight loss in cancer patients.

Although further research is needed to confirm recent findings, pre-clinical trials have demonstrated numerous times that cannabis pathways indeed play a role in multiple mechanism associated with cancer and the progression of the disease. Federal legislations have recently enabled the medical industry to take steps towards providing concrete research that will allow people to utilize safe and natural hemp remedies to improve disease and health care outcomes.


New to CBD? check out the related link to the new user guide.

Cannabinoid options of application:

Transdermal (Skin)-Topical Salve: This application is typically used for acute and direct application. Such as an ankle sprain, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and migraines. Full-spectrum salves provide a whole panel of cannabinoids for increased potency.

Edible Application

Tinctures: Tincture oils are utilized in full-spectrum form (whole plant derived) and Isolated forms (Pure CBD) that are applied directly under the tongue or mixed in water. This form is typically used for direct application to the central nervous system and the entire body for ailments like anxiety, stress, epilepsy, insomnia, depression, PTSD, autoimmune responses, ADHD, cancer, systemic inflammatory disease such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All applications are available as CBD isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Soft Gels: Full-spectrum soft gels essentially have the same application as tincture oils. The difference is that each soft gel is measured to a specific milligram to provide a consumer with a perfectly measured dose of CBD. This would be used for any ailments one might use CBD for, including all the ones listed above.

 Superfood powder: Super food green powder has a broad range of greens, phytonutrients, vitamins and of course CBD. This application is great to give some a nice, clean energy boost before a workout or just to get your day started naturally with improved focus.



  1.  Jemal A, Siegel R, Ward E. Cancer statistics, 2009. CA a cancer J …2009;
  2.  Shrivastava A, Kuzontkoski PM, Groopman JE, Prasad A. Cannabidiol Induces Programmed Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells by Coordinating the Cross-talk between Apoptosis and Autophagy. Mol Cancer Ther2011;
  3.  McAllister SD, Murase R, Christian RT, et al. Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Breast Cancer Res Treat2011;
  4. McAllister SD, Christian RT, Horowitz MP, Garcia A, Desprez P-Y. Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells [Internet]. Mol Cancer Ther 2007;6(11):2921 LP-2927. Available from:
  5. Ligresti A, Moriello AS, Starowicz K, et al. Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma [Internet]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2006;318(3):1375 LP-1387. Available from:


CBD Oil for Depression, Schizophrenia, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar & More

You can extract more than 70 different components from a marijuana plant, technically known as cannabis sativa. Two of the most common constituents are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (known colloquially as THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).

Because CBD is not as regulated as THC (though it may be technically illegal under federal laws), nor does it provide any accompanying “high” as THC does, it has become increasingly marketed as a cure-all for virtually any ailment. You can now find CBD oil products online to treat everything from back pain and sleep problems, to anxiety and mental health concerns.

How effective is CBD oil in the treatment of mental disorder symptoms?

Unlike it’s sister THC, CBD doesn’t have any of the associated negative side effects of tolerance or withdrawal (Loflin et al., 2017). CBD is derived from the cannabis plant, and shouldn’t be confused with synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists like K2 or spice.

Because of its relatively benign nature and more lax legal status, CBD has been more widely studied by researchers in both animals and humans. As researchers Campos et al. (2016) noted, “The investigation of the possible positive impact of CBD in neuropsychiatric disorders began in the 1970s. After a slow progress, this subject has been showing an exponential growth in the last decade.”

Research has shown that CBD oil may be effective as a treatment for a variety of conditions and health concerns. Scientific studies demonstrate the effectiveness of CBD to help relieve some of the symptoms associated with: glaucoma, epilepsy, pain, inflammation, multiple sclerosis (MS), Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, and Alzheimer’s. It appears to help some people with gut diseases, such as gastric ulcers, Crohn’s disease, and irritable bowel syndrome as well (Maurya & Velmurugan, 2018).

You can find low-end and high-end CBD oil products. The most popular CBD oil product on retails for around $25 and contains only 250 mg of CBD extract.


In a pilot randomized placebo-controlled study of adults with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a positive effect was only found on the measurements of hyperactivity and impulsivity, but not on the measurement of attention and cognitive performance (Poleg et al., 2019). The treatment used was a 1:1 ratio of THC:CBD, one of the common CBD treatments being studied along with CBD oil on its own. This finding suggests more research is needed before using CBD oil for help with ADHD symptoms.


There are a number of studies that have found that CBD reduces self-reported anxiety and sympathetic arousal in non-clinical populations (those without a mental disorder). Research also suggests it may reduce anxiety that was artificially induced in an experiment with patients with social phobia, according to Loflin et al. (2017).


A review of the literature published in 2017 (Loflin et al.) could find no study that examined CBD as a treatment for depression specifically. A mouse study the researchers examined found that mice treated with CBD acted in a way similar to the way they acted after receiving an antidepressant medication. Therefore, there is virtually little to no research support for the use of CBD oil as a treatment for depression.


Loflin et al. (2017) only found a single CBD study conducted on sleep quality:

Specifically, 40, 80, and 160 mg CBD capsules were administered to 15 individuals with insomnia. Results suggested that 160 mg CBD was associated with an overall improvement in self-reported sleep quality.


There are two human trials currently underway that are examining the impact of both THC and CBD on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms. One is entitled Study of Four Different Potencies of Smoked Marijuana in 76 Veterans With PTSD and the second is entitled Evaluating Safety and Efficacy of Cannabis in Participants With Chronic Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. The first study is expected to be completed this month, while the second should be completed by year’s end. It can take up to a year (or more) after a study has been completed before its results are published in a journal.

Bipolar Disorder & Mania

The depressive episode of bipolar disorder has already been covered in the depression section (above). What about CBD oil’s impact on bipolar disorder’s manic or hypomanic episodes?

Sadly, this has not yet been studied. What has been studied is cannabis use on the effect of bipolar disorder symptoms. More than 70 percent of people with bipolar disorder have reported trying cannabis, and around 30 percent use it regularly. However, such regular use is associated with earlier onset of bipolar disorder, poorer outcomes, and fluctuations in a person’s cycling patterns and severity of manic or hypomanic episodes (Bally et al., 2014).

More research is needed to see whether supplementing CBD oil might help alleviate some of the negative impact of cannabis use. And additional research is needed to examine whether CBD oil on its own might provide some benefits to people with bipolar disorder.


Compared to the general population, individuals with schizophrenia are twice as likely to use cannabis. This tends to result in a worsening in psychotic symptoms in most people. It can also increase relapse and result in poorer treatment outcomes (Osborne et al., 2017). CBD has been shown to help alleviate the worse symptoms produced by THC in some research.

In a review of CBD research to date on its impact on schizophrenia, Osborne and associates (2017) found:

In conclusion, the studies presented in the current review demonstrate that CBD has the potential to limit delta-9-THC-induced cognitive impairment and improve cognitive function in various pathological conditions.

Human studies suggest that CBD may have a protective role in delta-9-THC-induced cognitive impairments; however, there is limited human evidence for CBD treatment effects in pathological states (e.g. schizophrenia).

In short, they found that CBD may help alleviate the negative impact of a person with schizophrenia from taking cannabis, both in the psychotic and cognitive symptoms associated with schizophrenia. They did not find, however, any positive use of CBD alone in the treatment of schizophrenia symptoms.

Improved Thinking and Memory

There is little to no scientific evidence that CBD oil has any beneficial impact on cognitive function or memory in healthy people:

“Importantly, studies generally show no impact of CBD on cognitive function in a ‘healthy’ model, that is, outside drug-induced or pathological states (Osborne et al., 2017).”

If you’re taking CBD oil to help you study or for some other cognitive reason, chances are you’re experiencing a placebo effect.

CBD Summary

As you can see, CBD research is still in its early stages for many mental health concerns. There is limited support for the use of CBD oil for some mental disorders. Some disorders, including autism and anorexia, have had little research done to see whether CBD might help with the associated symptoms.

One of the interesting findings from research to date is that the dosing found to have some possible beneficial effects in research tends to be much higher than what is found in products typically sold to consumers today. For instance, most over-the-counter CBD oils and supplements are in bottles that contain a total of 250 to 1000 mg.

But the science suggests that an effective daily treatment dose might be anywhere from 30 to 160 mg, depending on the symptoms a person is seeking to alleviate.

This suggests that the way most people are using CBD oil today is not likely to be clinically effective. Instead, at doses of just 2 to 10 mg per day, people are likely mostly benefiting from a placebo effect of these oils and supplements.

Before starting or trying any type of supplement — including CBD oil or other CBD products — please first consult your prescribing physician or psychiatrist. CBD may interact with psychiatric medications in a way that is unintended and could cause negative side effects or health problems.

We also do not really understand the long-term effects and impact of CBD oil use on a daily basis over the course of years, as such longitudinal research simply hasn’t yet been done. There have been some reported negative side effects experienced in the use of cannabis, but it’s hard to generalize such research findings to CBD alone.

In short, CBD shows promise in helping to alleviate some symptoms of some mental disorders. Much of the human-based research is still in its infancy, however, but early signs are promising.

Original Article by Psychcentral

The post CBD Oil for Depression, Schizophrenia, ADHD, PTSD, Anxiety, Bipolar & More appeared first on CBD For Life.

How Does Your Endocannabinoid System Impact Your Brain’s Response to Social Interaction?

Does your endocannabinoid system impact social behavior? A recent study from the University California-Irvine examines how the ECS may interact with the hormone oxytocin to positively impact the rewards associated with social interaction.

What is Oxytocin?

For today’s Science 101 lesson, let’s have a brief refresher on what exactly oxytocin is. Mammals make a key neuro-hormone called oxytocin that’s produced in the hypothalamus and stored in the pituitary gland of the brain/central nervous system.

Oxytocin plays a role in intimacy, sexual reproduction, childbirth, and the socially rewarding effects of hugging, trust related behaviors, pleasant touch, emotions of love, and social interaction. In fact, a study published in 2012 out of Singapore demonstrated that individuals with more extreme levels of oxytocin in the blood were likely to be more trusting than those with lower levels.

The Endocannabinoid System and Its Physiological Impact

One of the most common experiences described by cannabis users include enhanced social interactions, interpersonal communication, and social bonding. This clear overlap in cannabis consumption and pro-social behavior has led scientists to begin exploring the potential link between endocannabinoid signaling and oxytocin.

To briefly review, the endocannabinoid system is a group of specialized fatty acid-based signaling chemicals (think “keys”), their receptors (think “locks”), and the metabolic enzymes that produce and break them down. These endocannabinoid chemical signals act on similar brain cell receptors as the active compounds found in cannabis – cannabidiol (CBD), and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Don’t confuse endocannabinoids with phytocannabinoids – the latter, of which well over 90 have been found to exist, are chemical plant derivatives (found mostly within cannabis species) such as CBD and THC that interact with the endocannabinoid system of hormones, receptors, and enzymes. Endocannabinoids are known to influence a variety of physiological systems, including appetite, pain/sensation and inflammation, body temperature regulation, intra-ocular pressure, muscle control, energy balance, metabolism, sleep health, stress responses, motivation/reward, memory, and mood, the latter of which brings us to the UC-Irvine study. What link exists, if any, between the ECS and social behaviors?

The Relationship Between the ECS and Sociability

According to UC-Irvine’s recent pre-clinical research study, there is a strong link between the “love” and “trust” hormone oxytocin and the naturally occurring endocannabinoid “bliss” and “delight” molecule known as anandamide. This is the first study of its kind to show a direct link in the brain of mice between these systems.

The animal study set out to measure levels of anandamide in the brain of mice that had either been allowed normal social interaction with other mice or kept in isolation. Researchers found that in mice with social interaction, the levels of anandamide increased in an area of the brain that’s critical for motivation, pleasure, and reward. When the mice were given drugs that enhanced anandamide signaling, their pleasure associated with socialization increased. However, when the cannabinoid receptors were blocked, the mice were prevented from experiencing the rewards of social interactions. This part of the experiment confirmed the importance of anandamide and the endocannabinoid system to social behaviors.

The second part of the study reinforced oxytocin’s role in social bonding and the pleasure derived from social interactions in the same mice when they stimulated oxytocin-releasing brain cells. Researchers found that oxytocin also enhanced the mobilization and production of anandamide within the same area of the brain responsible for motivation and reward.

Not surprisingly, when oxytocin receptors were blocked, it also stopped the normal pleasure and reward sensation obtained by social interactions. Amazingly, when anandamide was prevented from being degraded in this area of the brain, it completely offset the loss of social reward and pleasure observed when blocking the oxytocin receptor.

So what does this all mean? The study and data indicate that social reward and the effects of the “love, trust, and social hormone” oxytocin is driven by anandamide and the endocannabinoid system as an underlying keystone to optimizing social behavior. It’s an exciting revelation, as the underlying dependence of social reward on the endocannabinoid system provides a potential therapeutic strategy in the future to help individuals with social dysfunction, anxiety disorders, pervasive developmental, and autism spectrum disorders.


Zhong S, Monakhov M, Mok HP, et al. U-Shaped Relation between Plasma Oxytocin Levels and Behavior in the Trust Game. Slattery DA, ed. PLoS ONE. 2012;7(12):e51095.

Don Wei, DaYeon Lee, Conor D. Cox, Carley A. Karsten, Olga Peñagarikano, Daniel H. Geschwind, Christine M. Gall, and Daniele Piomelli Endocannabinoid signaling mediates oxytocin-driven social reward PNAS 2015;112 (45):14084-14089.


November 25, 2015
Original Article Posted at

The post How Does Your Endocannabinoid System Impact Your Brain’s Response to Social Interaction? appeared first on CBD For Life.