CBD for Athletes. The Need To Know!

Casey Willax Above: “I am just stoked to be apart of the Nanocraft team. As a pro snowboarder we abuse the heck out of our bodies day after day! It is like a precursor to my health, when I know its gonna be a long day of riding I use the products to prevent swelling and tone things down after a long hard day… The day formula is pretty bomb in coffee too”

It is no secret that athletes tend to physically abuse their bodies more than any other demographic, both positively and negatively. When it comes to training and sport specific activities, an athlete will increase human performance through endurance training, muscle loading and by increasing neuromuscular communication. However, athletes tend to overuse their bodies, often resulting in chronic pain, inflammation and career ending injuries.

Currently, athletes who are not totally informed will take traditional pain management routes, which often consist of bed rest, NSAIDS and opioids, until cleared for “return to play”. In more recent times, athletes have become smarter about how they treat their bodies and ultimately, what they put in them for performance and recovery purposes. Research and literature has recently begun to express the safety and efficacy on the use of cannabidiol (CBD) for pain and inflammation management and recovery.

It is nothing new to the industry that there is an opioid epidemic. Chronic use of over the counter medications pose a huge health risk and have shown to lead to addiction of harder pain management drugs that killed 52,404 U.S. citizens, including 33,091 (63.1%) that involved an opioid in 2015 and the numbers have only grown since. There has been progress in preventing deaths of certain prescriptions, but ultimately rates of deaths involving heroin and synthetic opioids have increased nation wide, Gladden et al., 2016, Peterson et al., 2016.


Traditionally, no, but as of 2018 the world anti doping agency (WADA) and the US antI-doping agency removed CBD from the banned substance list, while the ban on THC still remains in effect, the threshold in which is considered tolerable was increased 10 fold, due to the fact that whole plant hemp derived CBD products can contain trace amounts of THC.

The only issue that athletes may currently face is that legislation regarding the usage of cannabis oil is constantly evolving, on the federal, state and local levels. This means that athletes in certain areas still may have some issues acquiring the product in their region, which still causes people to raise the question as to whether or not they should be purchasing and utilizing the product.


Athletes are now able to consume CBD products legally, but why? What will they use it for specifically?

In more recent years it has become evident that the bodies endocannabinoid system plays a significant role in modulating neuronal and immune system activity. Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid found naturally in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, CBD is not psychoactive and multiple studies have been conclusive in the fact that it can be used to treat ailments associated with inflammation and pain. Although the research is constantly evolving, the direction is pointing towards a new frontier in terms of holistic methods to treat pain and inflammation.

CB1 receptors are found throughout the central nervous system, and other tissues. CB2 receptors are more often found throughout the immune system. CBD indirect interactions with CB1 receptors has a greater effect on the central nervous system, and CBD interacting with CB2 receptors has a greater effect on reducing inflammation and ultimately act to maintain homeostasis through the adaptive and innate responses of immunity. As an athlete, often time neuromuscular communication is overused, causing central fatigue and muscle damage. CBD may act to facilitate recovery time at the cellular level.

Studies of animal models have identified that transdermal (topical CBD pain salves) applications of CBD allow for the accumulation within the skin and skeletal muscle by indirect action on cannabinoid receptors, which are identified as receptors of both the immune system and central nervous system and play a major role in cytokine release, an important step in the inflammatory process. A study conducted by Hammell et al., 2016 explained that results of a chemical analysis of the spinal cord revealed that dose dependent reductions in pro-inflammatory markers were seen within the spinal cord after administering topical CBD over four consecutive days.

 Data would suggest that transdermal CBD and edible (Tinctures) applications have therapeutic potential for relief of pain associated with acute and chronic inflammation without evident side effects. Although more research is needed to prove this application in humans, animal models have shown strong evidence to believe that CBD may indeed provide a very potent transdermal (topical) pain relief with anti-inflammatory properties.

Taylor Knox Below: “CBD has completely changed the game in terms of sports recovery. The opioid epidemic has destroyed careers and lives… Now that I am getting older, I am a father and still performing at a high level, I need to ensure that what I am putting in my body is going to actually improve my quality of life, and it does”



Studies have shown cannabis is effective for reducing pain, including musculoskeletal pain from exercise, as well as stiff joints induced by exercise and sport (Halawa et al., 2018).

Despite the lack of conclusive amounts of evidence, due in part because of federal regulation disabling more research in the U.S, CBD does appear to relieve pain effectively for many athletes.

Inflammation can be good for athletes and help stimulate positive training adaptations. You can really look at inflammation as a good physiological response to a bad situation. Inflammation typically characterizes that the body is addressing trauma to the area, specifically muscle in athletes and facilitating growth (Hypertrophy). Too much inflammation hinders recovery and hurts performance. There are CB2 receptors in both the brain and periphery, but they are more concentrated in immune tissues. Cannabinoids interact with CB2 receptors, which seem to have an anti-inflammatory effect by reducing cytokine (cell messengers) production locally (Nagarkatti et al., 2019) In other words, CB2 receptors help tone down the response and excitability when your immune system is triggered after intense bouts of physical activity.

Mason Ho Below: “Now that I am getting older I am way more in tune with my body. CBD has been a game changer and when the waves are on and I don’t have it… Thats when I truly know how impactful it can be to my surfing”


Athletes traditionally consumed over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) like ibuprofen (Advil) for decades. However, recent evidence has advocated for the dangers imposed on the Kidney’s when you consume them in excess. Long-term or frequent use of NSAIDs may also increase your risk for heart attack and stroke caused by embolism. Some athletes have found the pain relieving effect of CBD can reduce or eliminate their use of NSAIDS for exercise-related pain and no documented deaths from cannabis or cannabinoid-based products have ever been recoded.


According to the CDC, in 2017 prescription medications were involved in more than 70,000 deaths in the US. Of those deaths 67.8% were Opioid pain medications (i.e. morphine, codeine, oxycontin). A significant increase since 2015 CDC statistics.

These drugs are highly effective for pain management, but have a significant risk involved in taking these drugs for any duration of time. Cannabinoids are not as effective as opioids for relieving acute, high-intensity pain, but may be effective for long-term pain management without any side and adverse affects associated with it.


Inflammation in the small and large intestines causes a lot of discomfort, and GI distress is one of the leading reasons endurance athletes drop out of races. CBD won’t solve stomach problems from dehydration and overheating, that’s a different battle. Cannabidiol (CBD) appears to be a very promising compound because of the anti-inflammatory effects. Investigators have explained the results of a study that indicated CBD is a potent compound that is able to modulate gut inflammation through poorly understood mechanisms of action between the central nervous system and the gut, Filippis et al., 2011. This may have future implication that may enable future research to confirm these findings.


Currently around 25% of the American people experience sleeping issues such as insomnia. Additionally, research has shown that people with chronic insomnia are more likely to develop or have depression and vice versa.

Getting quality sleep is one of the most effective ways an athlete can achieve greater gains and is equally as important as the training itself. On an individual basis, athletes who consume CBD report improved sleep quality and duration. One potential reason for this could be CBD inhibiting the reuptake of adenosine. (Rodriguez et al., 2009)

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP, Body Fuel) breaks down as your body burns substrate (Protein, Fat, Carbs) for energy, and adenosine gradually accumulates in the brain. More adenosine binding to neurons inhibits the release of neurotransmitters, slowing down neuronal activity, helping you feel calmer, and inducing sleep.

By binding to same receptors adenosine would bind to, CBD may inhibit adenosine reuptake, which helps it accumulate more quickly and makes you feel tired. CBD may also have a potent anti-anxiety effect for some people, which can help them get to sleep and have more restful sleep by stabilizing cardiac rhythm during sleep.

Eli Olson Below: “Since coming onboard with Nanocraft CBD my sleeping patterns have improved. All my friends and family know how bad I struggle with insomnia. Often times I find myself going on runs at 3 AM because I can’t sleep. The night and day formulas have been a game changer when I have those long days in the dojo and surfing… Recovery has been phenomenal”


It seems as though everyday you wake up to discover some new way to ingest CBD. Whether it is soft gels, vapor pens, super-food powder, pain salves, tinctures and everything in between, there is a way for almost all demographics to get CBD into the body.

How you use it can also determine the potency and time in which the constituent actives the cannabinoids receptors. Vapor would essentially be the most immediate, due to the fact that once the cannabis diffuses through pulmonary capillaries and loads onto the red blood cells, it then  travels to the heart and up the carotid artery directly to the blood brain barrier enabling immediate and potent activation of the endocannabinoid system. However, it is still skeptical whether or not the product should be inhaled at all, due to the fact that putting anything in your lungs aside from air may have a negative impact on long-term health

Edibles have to be digested, so they may take a bit longer than vaping. CBD Topical creams may also be quicker than edibles, but often times it may take a couple applications to allow CBD to cross the dermal layers of the skin and sublingual drops/tinctures are said to be the most rapid aside from the vapor. 

CBD is now available in three different forms that are derived from many extraction methods. It is available in full spectrum, broad spectrum and isolate form. Full-spectrum allows extraction of the entire cannabis plant, which typically contains up to .3% THC (legally) and contains over 100 different phytocannbinoids which create that potent “entourage” effect. Broad spectrum, similar to full-spectrum CBD (whole plant) but does not contain any THC, making it a little less potent and enables athletes that undergo routine drug tests to still reap the benefits of CBD. Isolate is the final form and is characterized as being just pure extracted CBD up to 99.9% which has been said to have therapeutic benefits, but not to the extent of full spectrum and broad spectrum formulas.


This part gets a little grey when it comes to prescribing a specific dose or giving recommendations. Currently, cannabis products are not regulated by the FDA therefore it is not very consistent when it comes to contents of the product and can be something that you really want to do your homework on before committing to a cheap product. Plus, just like any other individual human response, not one recommendation is going to produce the same results.

Most CBD companies that sell tinctures bottle them in 30ml tincture bottles and the servings are geared towards 1ml/day, making each bottle about a months worth of servings, but again, this varies person to person and I have personally turned my months worth of servings into about 2-weeks for the benefits I am looking for.


Although CBD has created a ton of buzz along with some interesting science and testimonials to back it, the biggest challenge the industry currently faces is that there is still so much to learn about the science, formulations and delivery. Although CBD is removed from the banned substance list, there is still much caution for certain athletes due to the fear that a product may contain THC, when is says it does not. At this point, the benefits out weigh the risk and if it can steer people away from harder pharmaceuticals that have proven to be dangerous, then we can all rest a bit easier knowing that we are advocating a consuming a natural, plant derived product.


New to CBD? check out the related link to the new user guide.

Cannabinoid options of application:

Transdermal (Skin)-Topical Salve: This application is typically used for acute and direct application. Such as an ankle sprain, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and migraines. Full-spectrum salves provide a whole panel of cannabinoids for increased potency.

Edible Application

Tinctures: Tincture oils are utilized in full-spectrum form (whole plant derived) and Isolated forms (Pure CBD) that are applied directly under the tongue or mixed in water. This form is typically used for direct application to the central nervous system and the entire body for ailments like anxiety, stress, epilepsy, insomnia, depression, PTSD, autoimmune responses, ADHD, cancer, systemic inflammatory disease such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All applications are available as CBD isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Soft Gels: Full-spectrum soft gels essentially have the same application as tincture oils. The difference is that each soft gel is measured to a specific milligram to provide a consumer with a perfectly measured dose of CBD. This would be used for any ailments one might use CBD for, including all the ones listed above.

 Superfood powder: Super food green powder has a broad range of greens, phytonutrients, vitamins and of course CBD. This application is great to give some a nice, clean energy boost before a workout or just to get your day started naturally with improved focus.



1.) Booz G. W. (2011). Cannabidiol as an emergent therapeutic strategy for lessening the impact of inflammation on oxidative stress. Free radical biology & medicine51(5), 1054-61.

2.) Gladden RM, Martinez P, Seth P. Fentanyl law enforcement submissions and increases in synthetic opioid-involved overdose deaths—27 states, 2013–2014. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:837–43.

3.) Guindon J, Hohmann AG. Cannabinoid CB 2 receptors: A therapeutic target for the treatment of inflammatory and neuropathic pain. Br J Pharmacol2008;153(2):319–34.

4.) Hammell DC, Zhang LP, Ma F, et al. Transdermal cannabidiol reduces inflammation and pain-related behaviours in a rat model of arthritis. Eur J Pain (United Kingdom)2016;

5.) Halawa, Omar I., et al. “Role of Cannabinoids in Pain Management.” Essentials of Pain Medicine, 2018, doi:10.1016/b978-0-323-40196-8.00056-5.

6.) Murillo-Rodríguez E, Millán-Aldaco D, Palomero-Rivero M, Mechoulam R, Drucker-Colín R. Cannabidiol, a constituent of Cannabis sativa, modulates sleep in rats. FEBS Lett2006;.

7.) Nagarkatti, Prakash, et al. “Cannabinoids as Novel Anti-Inflammatory Drugs.” Future Medicinal Chemistry, vol. 1, no. 7, 2009, pp. 1333–1349., doi:10.4155/fmc.09.93.

8.) Peterson AB, Gladden RM, Delcher C, et al. Increases in fentanyl-related overdose deaths—Florida and Ohio, 2013–2015. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016;65:844–9.









Studying The Validity of CBD Cancer Treatments

Cancer. It’s the diagnosis we all fear more than almost any other, often because there’s still no cure, no preventative measures to take against it, and no way of knowing how it will respond to treatment.

Of course, progress has been made and for some cancers, treatment response and remission rates are high, and disease progression slow. But now, there may be a new avenue of hope for cancer patients. Reputable studies and long-term research results are demonstrating that CBD oil might be a new, very good, tool in fighting this fearsome disease.


Stay grounded: CBD common sense and best practices

It’s very important to say right up front that although research has shown CBD to be an efficacious part of the fight against cancer itself, it’s still in the early days and there’s a lot of work still to be done in this area.

Hucksters have been hoodwinking patients and their anxious families for decades with promises of “patent cures” for cancer, so be very wary of any company that promises “their” CBD oil will do so.

No reputable CBD company would ever make such a claim, and you should run a mile from anyone who does. If that sounds like bad news, it isn’t: there’s so much that we do know about how CBD can help, and more great results are being discovered all the time. Let’s break it down.


What we know: CBD can offer help to patients with cancer (and their families, too)

People have been using CBD since the Romans, Greeks and the Chinese figured out that it worked wonders on all sorts of ailments, and that the very fibers of the plant were useful, durable and versatile. In fact, what we now call CBD had always been known by its more common name—hemp—until fearmongering misinformation included hemp in the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937 during the War on Drugs.

Now that hemp is once again legal throughout the U.S., scientists have been rediscovering its astounding uses in helping with everything from chronic pain to cancer care. We’ll talk later about research into how CBD may be able to fight the disease itself, but it’s equally important to recognize how hemp oil can help with the side effects of cancer.


cbd cancer treatments woman in dark

How CBD can help cancer-related psychological issues

It’s often said that cancer is a family disease—meaning, it affects not only the directly afflicted but also those who love them. Because both patients and loved ones often feel helpless and hopeless in the face of a cancer diagnosis, it’s common for psychological issues to develop.


Depression and anxiety

CBD is widely regarded as an effective, safe treatment for depression, anxiety, fear, and insomnia. CBD works within the body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS) and affects serotonin receptors, which means that CBD can often be used either in conjunction with or instead of traditional selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) like Zoloft and Prozac


Panic Disorder and PTSD

Sometimes in the face of a cancer diagnosis, people are even diagnosed with panic disorder or post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Of course, neither panic disorder nor PTSD is limited to those dealing with cancer: panic disorder affects 355 million people worldwide.

Now, research shows CBD may be an effective treatment against this paralyzing syndrome. And, because CBD disrupts the fear response in the brain’s hippocampus, the almost 25 million Americans alone who are reported to have PTSD have also found new hope through CBD.


cbd cancer treatments man sitting in dark on couch with head in hands

How CBD can help with cancer-related physical issues

The most common treatment for most cancers is chemotherapy—which is an incredibly blunt tool. Although it often beats cancer into submission, it can be equally as rough on the patient it’s trying to help. Both chemo and radiation can cause neuropathy and the disease itself often causes chronic pain. CBD can help with all of this.



The biggest complaint cancer patients have about chemotherapy (apart from hair loss) is the nausea and vomiting it causes. Because CBD works in the ECS (which is where nausea triggers live) it can help to disrupt the body’s vomit signals.

But the American Cancer Society and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) both recognize that a simple hemp-oil treatment may not be enough to overcome chemo-related nausea, and have approved two heavier-hitting anti-nausea chemo drugs: Dronabinol (Marinol®)—which contains actual delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC); and Nabilone (Cesamet®), a synthetic cannabinoid that effectively mimics THC.

Another drug, Nabiximols, contains an almost 1:1 ratio of THC to CBD and is widely used in Canada and Europe to treat not only cancer patients, but also those with multiple sclerosis.



At the 2018 MASCC/ISOO Annual Meeting on Supportive Care in Cancer, a major topic of discussion was treating cancer-related neuropathy, which affects 18.7 percent to 21.4 percent of people with cancer. Neuropathy can range from a tingling or numbness to excruciating pain, particularly in the hands and feet.

In a reveal of groundbreaking research from numerous independent studies, global scientists concluded that CBD is protective against the causes of neuropathy. If harnessed correctly, this could provide almost indescribable relief to neuropathy sufferers.


Chronic pain

Although over 100 million people in the United States suffer from chronic pain, there is no doubt that cancer patients bear more than their fair share of this condition. And because of CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects and inhibition of neuropathic pain, there’s now even a CBD-based drug approved by the US food and drug administration (FDA)—Sativex—to directly combat chronic pain.

Going further, a study in the Journal of Experimental Medicine found that mice with chronic pain and inflammation were greatly relieved by CBD treatment. This is especially exciting because research suggests that it is the non-psychoactive compounds in CBD that provide the relief. In other words, patients don’t need to get high to feel better. Medical marijuana has long been self-administered for pain, and this is taking it a step further.


cbd cancer treatments stethoscope laying against a white backdrop

What we hope: CBD and cancer prevention, treatment and cure

Exciting prospects are emerging all the time about CBD’s potential in the fight against the actual disease of cancer. And news around the subject thus far is incredibly positive.

Research published in the British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology indicates that scientists believe they have found proof that CBD significantly helped prevent the spread of cancer. Specifically, scientists noted that CBD “tends to suppress the growth of cancer cells and promote their destruction.”

The National Cancer Institute (NCI) has noted the antitumor activity of CBD, as shown by clinical trials in mice and rats. This is largely in response to research going back nearly 20 years, which has aimed to prove that CBD prevents the spread and growth of tumors.


The good news

Although cancer is certainly a frightening prospect, work is being done every day, to both better patients’ lives and possibly even harness the power of CBD to cure this devastating disease. CBD For Life is in your corner, and provides the best in CBD health products. Still have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!

The post Studying The Validity of CBD Cancer Treatments appeared first on CBD For Life.

Gold CBD Review [Great Variety of CBD]

Gold CBD Today I will be reviewing a CBD company called Gold CBD. Gold CBD has a great variety of CBD smoking products as well as some CBD infused honey. In this review I will cover in depth all of the products I have tried …

Gold CBD Review [Great Variety of CBD] Read Full Article »

The post Gold CBD Review [Great Variety of CBD] appeared first on Honest CBD Reviews.

Leukemia & Hemp Derived CBD


Cancer has become a major public health concern in the United States and around the globe. It is estimated that one in four deaths in the US are due to cancer. Statistics from 2005 estimated that 1.4 million people were diagnosed with cancer that year and the estimated amount of deaths was just over half a million and the growth rate was projected to increase by 0.3% per year. In general, cancer can be characterized as neoplastic and is due to numerous cellular changes. Although all cancers are different, the common features underlying neoplasia (Tumor growth) is alterations in the cellular membrane. It has become apparent that these changes are caused by environmental factors like poor air quality, smoking tobacco, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, poor work environments, poor diet and radiation exposure, Jemal et al., 2009.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has been recognized as a major non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis that can be ingested or applied topically. Research has shown that cannabis possesses anti-neoplastic properties, meaning that it can inhibit or halt the development of cancerous tumors by initiating cell death, limiting inflammation, cell proliferation, and cell survival. In particular, emerging evidence suggests that cannabinoid receptors expressed by tumor cells may offer a healthier strategy to treat certain cancers, which may also depend on how aggressive it might be McAllister et al., 2011.


Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)  is considered the most common form of leukemia in developed countries and is characterized by a rapid increase and accumulation of tumor encouraging B-lymphocytes in the blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen, which are typically seen as markers for injury and illness. The typical age of diagnosis is 65 years, with only 10 to 15 percent under 50 years of age Rozman et al., 1995.  

Although all forms of leukemia share similarities such as excessive white blood cell production within the blood indicating a heightened immune response and cellular mutation and proliferation, each subtypes posses their own particular traits. 

Other forms of leukemia and their specific traits are listed as follows:

Acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL), also called acute lymphoblastic leukemia and acute lymphoid leukemia, is a blood cancer that results when abnormal white blood cells (leukemia cells) accumulate in the bone marrow. It can occur at any age, but acute lymphocytic leukemia incidences occur most frequently in people under the age of 15 or over the age of 45. Although ALL makes up the largest percentage of leukemia diagnoses in children under the age of 15 (specifically between the ages of two to four), it is rare for adults to develop this disease.

Acute myeloid leukemia (AML), also known as acute myelogenous leukemia, acute myeloblastic leukemia, acute granulocytic leukemia or acute nonlymphocytic leukemia, is a fast-growing form of cancer of the blood and bone marrow. AML is the most common type of acute leukemia. It occurs when the bone marrow begins to make blasts, cells that have not yet completely matured. These blasts normally develop into white blood cells. However, in AML, these cells do not develop and are unable to ward off infections.

Chronic myeloid leukemia (CML), also known as chronic myelogenous leukemia, begins in the blood-forming cells of the bone marrow and then, over time, spreads to the blood. Eventually, the disease spreads to other areas of the body. It has been shown that CML is associated with an abnormal chromosome known as the Philadelphia chromosome (Ph chromosome). 

Chromosomes are structures in cells that contain genes, which give instructions to the cells. The Ph chromosome is an abnormality that occurs when a piece of chromosome 22 breaks off and attaches to the end of chromosome 9, which also breaks off and attaches to chromosome 22.The breaks in both chromosomes cause the BCR and ABL genes, which combine to create the cancer gene. The link between the Ph chromosome and CML was discovered around 1960.

Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) is a rare subtype of chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL) that progresses slowly. HCL is caused when bone marrow makes too many B cells (lymphocytes), a type of white blood cell that fights infection. As the number of leukemia cells increases, fewer healthy white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets are produced. HCL affects more men than women, and it occurs most commonly in middle-aged or older adults. HCL is considered a chronic disease because it may never completely disappear.

Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) are a group of closely related diseases in which the bone marrow produces too few functioning red blood cells (which carry oxygen), white blood cells (which fight infection), or platelets (which prevent or stop bleeding), or any combination of the three. The different types of myelodysplastic syndromes are diagnosed based on certain changes in the blood cells and bone marrow. The cells in the blood and bone marrow (also called myelo) usually look abnormal (or dysplastic), hence the name myelodysplastic syndromes.

According to the American Cancer Society, about 13,000 people a year are diagnosed with MDS. In the past, MDS was commonly referred to as a preleukemic condition (and it is still sometimes called preleukemia) because some people with MDS develop acute leukemia as a complication of the disease. However, most patients with MDS will never develop acute leukemia.


A study published in the journal of molecular pharmacology examined the effects of  cannabidiol (CBD), on the induction of cellular death in leukemic cells. Exposure of leukemia cells to CBD oil led to reductions in cell viability and induction in cellular death (Apoptosis). Furthermore, CBD treatment led to a significant decrease in tumor borders McKallip et al., 2006. 

An additional study also showed a dose dependent increase in cellular death with 8 μg/ml CBD and 15 μg/ml CBD-DMH, respectively, after a 24 hour treatment. This would ultimately indicate that optimal doses of CBD oil regularly could provide marked decreases in cellular mutation and increases in cellular death (Apoptosis) Gallily et al., 2009.

Together, the results from the listed studies reveal that cannabidiol (CBD), acting through CB1 & CB2 receptors (directly and Indirectly), may be a novel and highly selective treatment for leukemia and other forms of cancers not only associated with the blood. Although many of these preliminary findings express safety and efficacy of CBD oil to treat certain cancers, concrete evidence through randomized controls trials will need to take place before we see integration of the treatment options with cannabis in western medical practices.


It has become evident that Melanoma contributes to the greatest number of skin cancer-related deaths in the world. Although intensive research has been geared towards this area of cancer for decades, prevention and early detection are the only effective measures against melanoma, so new strategies are imperative for the management of cancers effecting the largest organ in the body, the skin! A recent review evaluated the efficacy of cannabinoid receptors, a new potential mechanism with antitumoral compounds. Human melanomas and melanoma cell lines express CB1and CB2 cannabinoid receptors which have indirect actions with Cannabidiol (CBD), therefore opening a whole new realm on cancer studies in regards to natural cannabis applications.

The mechanism by which cannabinoids inhibit melanoma cell proliferation was investigated in a recent study by Blazquez et al., 2006. The investigators found that through indirect activation of cannabinoid receptors melanoma cell proliferation decreased in part via inhibition of Akt, a pro-survival cellular pathway that is deregulated in many types of tumors, including melanoma. Although the use of cannabinoids in standard healthcare plans is limited, the current study displays efficacy in the management of malignant melanoma. In addition, these findings were associated with an improvement of  tumor-progression parameters, as well as with an inhibition of tumor-cell spreading, which is considered a clinical hallmark of advanced melanoma. Cannabinoid action seems to be selective for tumor vs. nontumor cells.


Although most cancers can be characterized by cellular mutation, inflammation and neoplasia (Tumor growth) each cancer type posses a unique characteristic, which makes progression of the disease unpredictable and unique to each diagnosis and breast cancer is no exception to these characteristics.

Metastasis typically characterizes the final stages of breast cancer, meaning that the cancer has actually spread through the lymphatic system to other regions of the body and seems to be the least understood component of any cancer. The Id-1 gene has recently been shown to be a key regulator of the metastatic potential of the breast. It has recently been explained that Id-1 was down regulated with administration of cannabidiol (CBD), in aggressive human breast cancer cells. The CBD concentrations effective at inhibiting Id-1 expression correlated with those used to inhibit the proliferative and invasive activity of breast cancer cells McAllister et al., 2007

An additional study on human breast carcinoma indicated that the use of cannabis extracts enriched in either cannabidiol (CBD) or THC showed success in a panel of tumor cell lines that clearly demonstrated, of the five natural compounds tested, cannabidiol is the most potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth and proliferation, Ligresti et al., 2006. CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.

Although many of these findings are still in the preliminary stages, the safety and efficacy of cannabis products is becoming a force to be reckoned with. As legislations have shifted, we hope to see a change in the efforts of Americas health care system to advocate for the efficacy of cannabis to treat up to 93 different ailments including cancer, naturally.


Data has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of CBD in pre-clinical models of breast cancer. The results have the potential to lead to the development of revolutionized non-toxic compounds for the treatment of breast cancer metastasis, and the information gained through recent experiments broaden our knowledge of cannabinoid biology as it pertains to cancer progression Shrivastava et al., 2011.

It has been documented that endo-cannabinoid agents affect multiple signaling pathways and biological processes involved in cancer development. Emerging evidence suggests that agonists of cannabinoid receptors, which share the useful property to differentiate between tumor cells and their unchanged counterparts, could represent a tumor-selective ability to treat cancer in addition to their already exploited use to treat nausea, pain, anorexia and weight loss in cancer patients.

Although further research is needed to confirm recent findings, pre-clinical trials have demonstrated numerous times that cannabis pathways indeed play a role in multiple mechanism associated with cancer and the progression of the disease. Federal legislations have recently enabled the medical industry to take steps towards providing concrete research that will allow people to utilize safe and natural hemp remedies to improve disease and health care outcomes.


New to CBD? check out the related link to the new user guide.

Cannabinoid options of application:

Transdermal (Skin)-Topical Salve: This application is typically used for acute and direct application. Such as an ankle sprain, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and migraines. Full-spectrum salves provide a whole panel of cannabinoids for increased potency.

Edible Application

Tinctures: Tincture oils are utilized in full-spectrum form (whole plant derived) and Isolated forms (Pure CBD) that are applied directly under the tongue or mixed in water. This form is typically used for direct application to the central nervous system and the entire body for ailments like anxiety, stress, epilepsy, insomnia, depression, PTSD, autoimmune responses, ADHD, cancer, systemic inflammatory disease such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All applications are available as CBD isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Soft Gels: Full-spectrum soft gels essentially have the same application as tincture oils. The difference is that each soft gel is measured to a specific milligram to provide a consumer with a perfectly measured dose of CBD. This would be used for any ailments one might use CBD for, including all the ones listed above.

 Superfood powder: Super food green powder has a broad range of greens, phytonutrients, vitamins and of course CBD. This application is great to give some a nice, clean energy boost before a workout or just to get your day started naturally with improved focus.


  1.  Jemal A, Siegel R, Ward E. Cancer statistics, 2009. CA a cancer J …2009;
  2.  Shrivastava A, Kuzontkoski PM, Groopman JE, Prasad A. Cannabidiol Induces Programmed Cell Death in Breast Cancer Cells by Coordinating the Cross-talk between Apoptosis and Autophagy. Mol Cancer Ther2011;
  3.  McAllister SD, Murase R, Christian RT, et al. Pathways mediating the effects of cannabidiol on the reduction of breast cancer cell proliferation, invasion, and metastasis. Breast Cancer Res Treat2011;
  4. McAllister SD, Christian RT, Horowitz MP, Garcia A, Desprez P-Y. Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells [Internet]. Mol Cancer Ther 2007;6(11):2921 LP-2927. Available from: http://mct.aacrjournals.org/content/6/11/2921.abstract
  5. Ligresti A, Moriello AS, Starowicz K, et al. Antitumor Activity of Plant Cannabinoids with Emphasis on the Effect of Cannabidiol on Human Breast Carcinoma [Internet]. J Pharmacol Exp Ther 2006;318(3):1375 LP-1387. Available from: http://jpet.aspetjournals.org/content/318/3/1375.abstract
  6. Blázquez C, Carracedo A, Barrado L, et al. Cannabinoid receptors as novel targets for the treatment of melanoma [Internet]. FASEB J 2006;20(14):2633–Available from: https://doi.org/10.1096/fj.06-6638fje
  7. 1. McKallip RJ, Jia W, Schlomer J, Warren JW, Nagarkatti PS, Nagarkatti M. Cannabidiol-Induced Apoptosis in Human Leukemia Cells: A Novel Role of Cannabidiol in the Regulation of p22 and Nox4 Expression. Mol Pharmacol 2006;70(3):897 LP-908.
  8.  1. Gallily R, Even-Chen T, Katzavian G, Lehmann D, Dagan A, Mechoulam R. γ-Irradiation Enhances Apoptosis Induced by Cannabidiol, a Non-psychotropic Cannabinoid, in Cultured HL-60 Myeloblastic Leukemia Cells [Internet]. Leuk Lymphoma 2003;44(10):1767–73. 

Exploring CBD’s Benefits to the Neurological System

2019 is proving to be CBD’s year. It is finally becoming more accepted by the day for its general benefits in health, wellness, and beauty. Study after study has borne out findings linking reputable CBD products to improvements and effective treatments of everything from skin complaints, like acne, to autoimmune inflammatory-based disorders, such as rheumatoid arthritis. Anxiety disorders, PTSD, chronic pain, some forms of epilepsy, and even multiple sclerosis are all showing scientific evidence of responding to treatments with hemp-based CBD medical products.

As we begin to develop a more thorough understanding of the human body’s endocannabinoid system (ECS), even more exciting possibilities are emerging as to how CBD medical products could have direct effects on our neurological health.


The endocannabinoid system and the neurological system

The first thing to think about when we consider the effects of medical CBD on the neurological system is that, contrary to popular belief, neurology isn’t only about the brain. Neurological health is related to three of the five areas of the body where the ECS works:

  • The central nervous system
  • The brain and spinal cord
  • The peripheral nervous system (excluding the immune system)


How do they connect?

The ECS produces natural compounds called endocannabinoids, which work to bind with receptors CB1 and CB2—which live within our neurological system. Together with enzymes our body also produces, in an ideal world, the two together keep our bodies and minds ticking along as they should in what’s called homeostasis.


So why do we need CBD?

CBD is a compound that mostly looks and acts like an endocannabinoid (the substances naturally produced by our bodies), except that it’s derived from the cannabis plant. While sometime endocannabinoids that our bodies produce themselves are broken down too quickly by the enzymes whose job is to do just this, cannabinoids are more resistant to this process. Therefore, their ability to keep our bodies in homeostasis can be more effective and provide longer-lasting results. And, because CBD does not have mind-altering effects, our nervous systems get all of these benefits without the side effects that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) can cause.


neurological system good vibes sign

How CBD works where endocannabinoids do not

Remember those enzymes we talked about earlier? They’re the third element of the ECS that works to keep our bodies’ systems in homeostasis. Their job is to break down the endocannabinoids our bodies make. When they’re working with what the body naturally gave them, these enzymes do a very good, very fast job. But! They are not so quick and effective on cannabinoids.

CBD does not produce a mind-altering high. When formulated correctly and applied in the right manner, the effects of CBD are long-term, positive and work on problems our body can’t solve by itself.

For example, research suggests that CBD has promising effects on major neurological infirmities—like dementia, Alzheimer’s, and general memory issues not associated with aging.


neurological system elderly man reading paper

CBD and brain-based neurological issues

Broad-based, long-term research into CBD and serious neurological issues is still in the early stages, but initial results are proving to be consistently positive. Let’s focus here on one of our society’s greatest neurological illnesses: dementia caused by Alzheimer’s.

In 2018, an estimated 5.7 million Americans were known to have dementia caused by Alzheimer’s—the disease accounts for approximately 60-70 percent of dementia cases. That number is only expected to grow: a 2018 study projects that 13.9 million individuals, aged 65 years or older, will be diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or related dementias in the U.S. by 2060.


How CBD may be able to help: the basics

A 2016 study from the Salk Institute found evidence that cannabinoids may actually be able to remove Alzheimer’s proteins from brain cells. Researchers believe that this happens in three ways:


Psychological benefits of medical CBD in cases of brain-based neurological illnesses

Importantly, because CBD also works to reduce anxiety and alleviate depression, it may also have the further effect of reducing the stress that people feel as they undergo these neurological changes. These changes are often the hardest parts of illnesses like dementia and Alzheimer’s for sufferers, loved ones and carers alike to cope with.

Because Alzheimer’s often hits patients at a younger age than vascular dementia and can take years to identify itself, it can also have a much earlier effect on all concerned. The sufferer begins to suspect what is happening to their neurological functioning but is unable to do anything about it.


neurological system man with half face half shaded staring at camera

CBD and oxygen release in Alzheimer’s patients

The other trauma explicitly related to Alzheimer’s is the often rapid decline and destruction of patient’s brain cells, once the symptoms of the disease have advanced enough to be wholly diagnosable and life-affecting.

A key component of Alzheimer’s destructive neurological effect is its increased oxygen release, which is caused by the inflammation related to the disease; the more the brain is inflamed, the more oxygen is released. It directly affects the brain’s ability to function in critical ways, like retaining memory. Because CBD is an antioxidant, it may be able to slow, halt, or even reverse this process.


Brain cell decline or development: CBD’s neurological key to success

A now-famous 2011 study by Australian researchers Tim Karl and Carl Group found that CBD promotes the growth and development of brain cells. This can slow the decline of memory and other brain functions.

A 2016 study by the US National Institute of Health (NIH) found that activating CB2 (cannabinoid) receptors in the brain helped recover better blood flow to the brain. Activating the CB2 receptors with CBD has increased brain cell activity and helped reduce brain cell damage commonly associated with vascular dementia.


Just the beginning

As researchers learn more and more about CBD oil benefits, exciting new treatments and even possibly cures to all sorts of ailments continue to be revealed. In the case of the body’s neurological system, the possibility of improving or preventing some of its most devastating illnesses through medical CBD is a tremendous hope to many.

CBD For Life provides the best in CBD health products formulated to maximize the benefit to your entire endocannabinoid system. Still, have questions? Reach out online, or leave a comment below!

The post Exploring CBD’s Benefits to the Neurological System appeared first on CBD For Life.

CBD VS. THC: Everything You Need to Know

Hemp and cannabis have been used across the world throughout history. The first recorded usage of cannabis was in 2,737 B.C.E. by Emperor Shen Neng of China. Records show cannabis was being used for its medicinal qualities. Additionally, there is archaeological evidence to suggest that the source plant for CBD, cannabis sativa, was likely one of the first agricultural crops planted by early man. The birth of agriculture can be traced back some 10-12,000 years ago with hemp and cannabis having been associated with these early days, even though we often think of these as a recent achievement.

What may be surprising to many is that the medical community in the United States has been using cannabidiol (CBD) in one form or another since the 1970’s. In fact, it has even been legal in some states – medically speaking – since the 1990’s.

When we talk about the mainstream idea of what cannabis is and its effects on humans, tetrahydrocannabinol or THC gets most of the fanfare and criticism due to its psychoactive properties. CBD is, however, one of the more prevalent cannabinoids found in cannabis and accounts for up to 40 percent of the plant.

With cannabis laws changing across the country, CBD is increasing in popularity, and its medical benefits are quickly making it a popular choice for pain and general health management.

What is CBD?

The molecular structure of CBD and THC are very similar. Both have 21 carbon atoms, 30 hydrogen atoms, and two oxygen atoms. What accounts for their differences and how they impact your body is how the atoms are arranged.

There are over 110 active cannabinoids inside marijuana plants with CBD being one of them. CBD is most predominant inside resin glands or trichomes of the female cannabis plant.

The body contains cell receptors known as cannabinoid receptors. The cannabinoids found in marijuana and hemp are agonists that bind to these receptors. CBD, as well as THC, are chemically similar to the endocannabinoids the body produces. This similarity allows them to interact with the body’s cannabinoid receptors. How they interact impacts the release of neurotransmitters in your brain which are the chemicals that relay messages between cells in the body.

Despite the similarities, CBD is non-psychoactive, while THC is psychoactive. When you think of marijuana getting you high, it’s the THC in it that does that. CBD does not produce the high that is associated with THC. This is because THC binds with the cannabinoid 1 (CB1) receptors to produce a high or sense of euphoria. Meanwhile, CBD binds very weakly or not at all to CB1 receptors. It can even interfere with the binding of THC which can reverse the psychoactive effects.

Cannabinoid receptors can be found all over the body including the skin, digestive tract and reproductive organs. Altogether, these cells make up a more extensive system known as the endocannabinoid system (ECS).

Think of the body’s naturally produced cannabinoid receptors as locks and the agonists or the cannabinoids found in CBD as keys.

The ECS is the greatest neurotransmitter system in the body and has a hand in just about everything your body does including:

  • Appetite
  • Autonomic nervous system
  • Female reproduction
  • Immune system
  • Memory
  • Metabolism
  • Sleep
  • Stress response
  • Thermoregulation

Absorption of CBD Into The Body

How CBD is absorbed into your body depends on its form. CBD can be consumed via CBD oil that you ingest alone, via softgels or placed under your tongue, inhaled or applied topically to your skin. Depending on which method you choose, it influences how quickly the effects of the cannabinoid treatment are felt.

Ingesting Orally

Taking CBD oil orally is the most common method.

When CBD is ingested, it is absorbed by the digestive system where the compounds enter the hepatic portal system. From there they are carried into the liver where the CBD molecules are metabolized during the process the medical community refers to as the “first pass effect.” Enzymes in the liver interact with CBD and reduce the concentration of the compound before it passes into the bloodstream.

Because of the “first pass effect,” the body cannot receive high levels of CBD. Recent studies have found that if you combine CBD oil with fatty acids, you can help bypass the first pass metabolism and increase how much CBD is absorbed into your body.

Additionally, it has been discovered that if CBD oil is held under the tongue for 60 to 90 seconds before swallowing, the mucous membranes in the mouth can absorb the CBD compounds. This method allows CBD to bypass the digestive system and the “first pass effect,” preventing the compounds from being broken down by enzymes and reaching the bloodstream quicker.

Ingestion via Inhalation

If you inhale CBD by vaping, the compounds in CBD are absorbed through the alveoli in the lungs. The alveoli offer a large surface area for absorption and allow the CBD molecules to be instantly transferred into the bloodstream. This method allows more CBD to be absorbed in the body, and at a faster rate than the ingestion method.

Topical Application

Applying CBD oil topically means that the CBD molecules never enter the bloodstream, but instead interact with the ECS through absorption with nearby cannabinoid receptors.

Due to the skin’s low permeability or ability to block most substances from entering the application of CBD, balms, salves, and lotions need to be substantial enough to overcome this feature. If you apply a CBD product liberally to the skin, it can be absorbed through the pores.

What is THC?

THC or Tetrahydrocannabinol, as we mentioned, is one of the cannabinoids that binds to CB1 receptors to release dopamine and create a sense of high or euphoria. This psychoactive effect is why cannabis has become so popular among recreational users over decades.

There are three main chemical components to THC: 9-THC, 11-OH-THC, and THCCOOH. 9-THC acid is the inactive component found in the cannabis plant. Once it is burned, it becomes decarboxylated and forms the active 9-THC. This molecule is responsible for many of the psychoactive effects. As the component metabolizes, it creates the 11-OH-THC molecule that mimics the effects of the 9-THC in the body and the brain. It is then further broken down to produce THCCOOH, which is considered the inactive metabolite.

Effects When Absorbed Into The Body

Most of the body experiences you feel when you consume cannabis are the result of changes in your brain. Cannabinoids like THC can also act on ECS receptors throughout the whole body, leading to a whole range of beneficial effects.

Consumed Orally

Like CBD, when THC is consumed orally, it makes its way to the stomach where it is broken down and passed onto the liver. The liver breaks down the THC and turns it into 11-OH-THC. Note that it’s because of this process that edible cannabis products take longer to take effect. 11-OH-THC is more potent than THC and can affect your brain and body differently.


When THC is smoked or vaporized it enters the bloodstream via absorption in the lungs. The psychoactive experience reaches its peak when the THC molecules pass the blood-brain barrier and bind with the receptors in the brain.

Medical Effects of THC

Because of the psychoactive effects of THC, the medicinal qualities are often overlooked. CB1 receptors in the immune system allow THC to act as a powerful anti-inflammatory. In the digestive tract, THC can stimulate the release of ghrelin that is often referred to as the “hunger hormone” and help ease nausea.

Because of this affect, the FDA has approved a synthetic form of THC as an antiemetic for AIDS and chemotherapy patients. It’s also been approved as an appetite stimulant.

Researchers have also identified other ways THC can be used in a medicinal capacity including:

Anti-Inflammatory: inflammation effects athletes due to their vigorous workout regimes and can also complicate or contribute to a wide range of diseases. THC treats inflammation and has been shown to be effective at managing symptoms in disorders like multiple sclerosis.

Cancer: according to researchers, studies are beginning to identify the cancer-killing properties of tetrahydrocannabinol. These studies have found that THC can cause cancer cells to eat themselves in animals. However, similar tests have not been done to-date on humans. It is becoming more likely that a doctor will prescribe cannabis as a treatment for the harsh side-effects of chemotherapy and radiation.  

Anxiety, Depression, and PTSD: THC’s short-term effects have been shown to help people with PTSD process traumatic memories. Additionally, THC can help people who suffer from anxiety and depression.

Chronic Pain: treating chronic pain is one of the most popular uses for THC. Whether you have temporary muscle soreness or constant neuropathic pain, THC can release dopamine and reduce inflammation to help with pain relief.

Digestive Disorders: the endocannabinoid receptors in the digestive tract allow cannabis to help people who suffer from GI diseases like Crohn’s, Diabetic Gastroparesis and IBS. The FDA has recognized THC’s ability to help treat symptoms related to GI diseases.

Medical Effects of CBD

In general, CBD promotes balance, reduces inflammation, decreases blood pressure and more. These are a few reasons why many athletes are starting to use CBD in place of a traditional anti-inflammatory. CBD is a multi-target therapy that allows it to target a number of conditions at once. It may be able to offer the ability to eliminate the need for multiple medications for different conditions depending on the user’s and what their primary physician determine.

The medical community is continuing to research the effects of CBD. CBD is being studied currently in clinical trials and ongoing research studies in the fields of:

Anti-Inflammatory and Pain Relief

Increasingly, athletes and people with chronic pain are using CBD to help with their inflamed muscles, joints, and general pain relief. In 2008, GW Pharmaceuticals examined two decades worth of preclinical studies and animal trials concluding that CBD can be a valuable tool for pain management. A 2016 study by the University of Kentucky examined CBD’s effects on rats with arthritis finding that CBD reduced inflammation and overall pain. Some studies have also found that CBD could be a neuroprotectant, suggesting its ability to strengthen the brain against the debilitating effects of concussions.


CBD has been shown to have key health benefits to reduce seizures.

Seizures occur when there’s a dramatic shift of electrical activity in the brain. While many high-profile cases have raised awareness of CBD’s anti-seizure properties, it’s only recently that science has been able to confirm a direct link. New England Journal of Medicine published a study that featured a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial to explore the effects of CBD on young adults with Dravet syndrome. Dravet syndrome is a rare type of epilepsy with seizures that are often induced by fever. Those who received CBD experienced a drop in their seizure frequency by a median of 38.9 percent.

Type 1 Diabetes

While CBD oil is often touted for its pain relief abilities, a rarely discussed benefit of CBD oil is how it can potentially reduce the risk of developing Type 1 Diabetes. In a study released by Neuropharmacology, researchers discovered that female mice that received CBD had only a 32 percent chance of getting diabetes whereas 100 percent of the mice that weren’t given CBD were diagnosed with diabetes:

Our data strengthen our previous assumption that CBD, known to be safe in man, can possibly be used as a therapeutic agent for treatment of type 1 diabetes.”


Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, CBD can help people suffering from acne. A study published in the Journal of Clinical Investigation found that CBD oil prevented acne in the glands that are responsible for producing sebum, a natural oily substance that hydrates the skin but can sometimes lead to acne.

The Legality of CBD and THC

Cannabis legalization is a hot topic across the world as well as in the United States. Worldwide the legalization of cannabis has already happened in a number of countries including:

  • Germany
  • Netherlands
  • South Africa
  • Spain
  • Uruguay

Additionally, our Canadian neighbors to the north are set to decriminalize marijuana across the entire country on October 17, 2018.

Currently, 29 states have some form of legalized cannabis with many more set to debate legalizing it. With murky federal laws and laws changing from state-to-state, it’s easy to get confused about the state of cannabis legalization in the United States.

The Legality of Cannabis in The U.S.

At the federal level, cannabis is listed as a Schedule 1 substance under the Controlled Substance Act of 1970 — the legislations highest classification. This makes the use, possession, sale, cultivation, and transportation of cannabis illegal. The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) defines a schedule 1 drug as a substance that has a high potential of being abused by its users and has no acceptable medical use.

Recently, Attorney General, Jeff Sessions has created the Task Force on Crime Reduction and Public Safety that is tasked with looking into the current marijuana laws at the federal level.

Despite federal classification, the government has told states that if they would like to pass laws to decriminalize cannabis for either medical or recreational use they may do so, under the condition that a regulatory system is enacted.

States Where Cannabis is Legal Recreationally and Medically

As of November 2016, the use of recreational and medicinal marijuana has been legalized in the following states and district:

  • Alaska
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Maine
  • Massachusetts
  • Nevada
  • Oregon
  • Washington
  • District of Columbia

These states have dispensaries for recreational users.

Medical Marijuana and Its Legality in The U.S.

What may be surprising to some is that medical use of cannabis has been legal in many states since the mid 90’s with currently 29 states allowing the use of medical marijuana in a variety of forms.

Until the early 1940s, marijuana was found in more than 20 medications for a variety of ailments. It also continued to be included in the U.S. Pharmacopoeia, the predecessor of the Physician’s Desk Reference, five years after the Marijuana Stamp Act [MB2] was passed in 1937.

Medical marijuana is legal in the following states. For a complete list click here.

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Montana
  • North Dakota
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Florida
  • Michigan
  • Pennsylvania
  • Oklahoma
  • Arkansas

Drug Testing

When ingested or inhaled, cannabinoids like THC and CBD are stored in the body’s fat. This means that they can show up on drug tests for several days or even weeks after you use them. However, most drug tests will not show CBD since most tests are not capable of detecting CBD. That being said, CBD-sensitive tests are available.

THC will show up on a drug test and is the compound that most drug tests are looking for.

There is also the possibility that miniscule THC levels will be detected in a drug test even though you have only taken CBD. The reason for this is because of the entourage effect.

The entourage effect is a term coined by Raphael Mechoulam in 1999. Mechoulam is an Israeli organic chemist best known for his work in the isolation structure elucidation and total synthesis of THC. The entourage effect is the belief that the compounds in cannabis work better together than if they are isolated. CBD is believed to be the significant modulatory component of cannabis which is why it is often combined with THC to balance out the psychoactive effects. Conversely, THC may be added to CBD products in minute amounts to increase the effectiveness of the CBD.

Types of Products

Sales in the CBD industry are skyrocketing and is largely due in part to its legalization in many states. Additionally, many people are beginning to better understand the health benefits of CBD and are incorporating it into their lifestyles. In 2015, the non-psychoactive CBD market was around $90 million in sales. It’s estimated that by 2020 the total CBD market including both hemp and marijuana-derived CBD will reach $2.1 billion.

CBD products are ideal for athletes as well as people who maintain a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

CBD products include:

Softgels: NanoCraft CBD Softgels contain 25mg of cannabidiol (CBD) per dose and are designed to have maximum absorption rate.

Drops: NanoCraft CBD drops are a convenient choice for users as they are administered under the tongue for quick absorption, or they can be added to food and drinks.

Pain Sticks: NanoCraft CBD Pain Stick is applied topically, and helps induce recovery from exercise-induced inflammation–great for recovering athletes.

Supplements: NanoCraft CBD Supplements offer an abundant source of CBD as well as phytonutrients and antioxidants. Created with athletes in mind, this CBD powder creates the most potent, energizing and immune-enhancing drinks that allow users to recover and rebuild after a workout to maintain their healthy lifestyle.

Waters: NanoCraft CBD Waters utilizes nanotechnology to add CBD molecules to water clusters. This innovative technology allows CBD molecules to move through the cells of the body faster and make them more readily available for use.

THC products: THC products are found at dispensaries and are made for recreational use. These dispensaries will typically have multiple cannabis products to choose from including edibles and flower for smoking.

How NanoCraft is Different From a Dispensary

NanoCraft is on a mission to be an industry leader in top quality hemp-derived CBD products for the sports, health and fitness marketplaces. Our dedication to affordable health and wellness products makes us a leader in the hemp CBD marketplace. All of our products are manufactured in a state of the art cGMP certified laboratory and derived non-GMO, contain no pesticides, solvents, herbicides or chemical fertilizers. Unlike some dispensaries, you can rest assured that when using NanoCraft products that they are all safe and legal.

When You Can’t Meditate the Pain Away, Turn To CBD Oil

Let me let you in on a secret: hemp will help.


If you can believe it or not, it seems that most people that live in today’s world get their information from online. I grew up in the weird transitional time where we learned how to go to the library and turn to books for information, but then quickly ditched that for the computer instead.


So when I couldn’t figure out what else to do with my neck and shoulder pain, I turned to the internet. Let me give you a little bit of the back story. I’ve had tight shoulders and a tight neck for too long. I’ve started to notice it almost each and every day, even if I’m not doing any stressful activities. I believe that the tightness is there from a build-up of stress, exercise, and hunching over a computer for years. So although I only have a couple thousand peers in my Instagram community, I asked them what they do for neck and shoulder pain when it just doesn’t seem to budge with traditional “alternative” healing methods.


Now, I know what most of you are thinking:

Try yoga!

Try meditation!

Mentally let go of the stress that you’re carrying!


Trust me, I’m trying to do it all. While it is true that yoga, meditation, and mental/emotional work can release tension and loosen up the body, sometimes you just want the pain to go away sooner than later. Like a parental figure giving you a push as you set off on two-wheels for the first time, sometimes you just need that extra boost to get you going.


Within a couple hours of sharing my woes with the internet, a couple of my followers sent me a suggestion that I hadn’t thought of before: Try CBD Oil.


Don’t they only make that stuff in Colorado or California? Nope, it turns out CBD Oil is not only found in high elevation areas. CBD Oil can be ordered online from wherever you are in the United States. But, it is a grey area as to whether or not it’s legal in all 50 states. Different states have different laws that are still trying to be understood. So if you’re concerned, make sure to check out the rules in your specific area. Although CBD Oil comes from the marijuana plant, it doesn’t contain the THC that everyone’s worried about.


Let me explain. THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is the psychoactive component of cannabis, and keeping it under .3% classifies it as legal for educational and academic purposes according to federal law. Cannabis to be used for other purposes usually contains THC levels above .3%. With the higher THC levels there are psychoactive effects. But without it, there are not. CBD is just one of the 104 cannabinoid molecules found in the cannabis plant.


What’s it used for, then?

Here are a few benefits of CBD Oil, as proven by users around the globe, and as explained by Jillian Kubala, MS, RD:


  1. Physical Pain Relief
  2. Anxiety, Stress, and Depression Reduction
  3. May Reduce Acne
  4. Beneficial to Heart Health
  5. Can Alleviate Cancer-Related Symptoms



CBD Oil can be found in different forms so the price varies. CBD Oil can come in foods and drinks, pills and capsules, and balms and lotions.  Although I was a bit taken back by the cost of these products at first, it was totally worth it. They are much more popular (and common) that I had thought.


Why do I think CBD rub is so great? Well, even the smallest amount almost instantly offers me some sort of pain relief. All I do is dip my finger into the container and pull out a tiny amount of balm. I then apply it and massage the balm into the problem areas. The only thing left to do is to sit back and let it work its magic. The CBD Oil smells heavenly. As well, it creates that nice menthol tingly feeling.  The bottles usually say something like “contains ingredients  known to help prevent and relieve muscle pain, soreness, spasms, joint pain, nerve pain, and inflammation.” And that it does! Well, at least the pain relief, speaking from experience.


Next time that you just can’t seem to mediate the pain away, reach for a bottle of CBD Oil in balm form. You’ll be hempy that you did!


Author: Calen Ann Otto

Website Link: Wanderwoman.online

Edited by: CBD For Life

The post When You Can’t Meditate the Pain Away, Turn To CBD Oil appeared first on CBD For Life.

Avida CBD Review [Excellent Quality CBD]

Avida CBD If you have been looking on the market for some good quality CBD vape juice, you may want to check out Avida CBD. After reviewing their CBD I began to fall in love with their CBD vape flavors. In this review, I will …

Avida CBD Review [Excellent Quality CBD] Read Full Article »

The post Avida CBD Review [Excellent Quality CBD] appeared first on Honest CBD Reviews.

Does Cannabis Help With Skin Cancer? Part 3


Cancer has become a major public health concern in the United States and around the globe. It is estimated that one in four deaths in the US are due to cancer. Statistics from 2005 estimated that 1.4 million people were diagnosed with cancer that year and the estimated amount of deaths was just over half a million and the growth rate was projected to increase by 0.3% per year. In general, cancer can be characterized as neoplastic and is due to numerous cellular changes. Although all cancers are different, the common features underlying neoplasia (Tumor growth) is alterations in the cellular membrane. It has become apparent that these changes are caused by environmental factors like poor air quality, smoking tobacco, consuming excessive amounts of alcohol, poor work environments, poor diet and radiation exposure, Jemal et al., 2009.


Cannabidiol (CBD) has been recognized as a major non-psychoactive constituent of cannabis that can be ingested or applied topically. Research has shown that cannabis possesses anti-neoplastic properties, meaning that it can inhibit or halt the development of cancerous tumors by initiating cell death, limiting inflammation, cell proliferation, and cell survival. In particular, emerging evidence suggests that cannabinoid receptors expressed by tumor cells may offer a healthier strategy to treat certain cancers, which may also depend on how aggressive it might be McAllister et al., 2011.


It has become evident that Melanoma contributes to the greatest number of skin cancer-related deaths in the world. Although intensive research has been geared towards this area of cancer for decades, prevention and early detection are the only effective measures against melanoma, so new strategies are imperative for the management of cancers effecting the largest organ in the body, the skin! A recent review evaluated the efficacy of cannabinoid receptors, a new potential mechanism with antitumoral compounds. Human melanomas and melanoma cell lines express CB1and CB2 cannabinoid receptors which have indirect actions with Cannabidiol (CBD), therefore opening a whole new realm on cancer studies in regards to natural cannabis applications.

The mechanism by which cannabinoids inhibit melanoma cell proliferation was investigated in a recent study by Blazquez et al., 2006. The investigators found that through indirect activation of cannabinoid receptors melanoma cell proliferation decreased in part via inhibition of Akt, a pro-survival cellular pathway that is deregulated in many types of tumors, including melanoma. Although the use of cannabinoids in standard healthcare plans is limited, the current study displays efficacy in the management of malignant melanoma. In addition, these findings were associated with an improvement of  tumor-progression parameters, as well as with an inhibition of tumor-cell spreading, which is considered a clinical hallmark of advanced melanoma. Cannabinoid action seems to be selective for tumor vs. nontumor cells.


Although most cancers can be characterized by cellular mutation, inflammation and neoplasia (Tumor growth) each cancer type posses a unique characteristic, which makes progression of the disease unpredictable and unique to each diagnosis and breast cancer is no exception to these characteristics.

Metastasis typically characterizes the final stages of breast cancer, meaning that the cancer has actually spread through the lymphatic system to other regions of the body and seems to be the least understood component of any cancer. The Id-1 gene has recently been shown to be a key regulator of the metastatic potential of the breast. It has recently been explained that Id-1 was down regulated with administration of cannabidiol (CBD), in aggressive human breast cancer cells. The CBD concentrations effective at inhibiting Id-1 expression correlated with those used to inhibit the proliferative and invasive activity of breast cancer cells McAllister et al., 2007

An additional study on human breast carcinoma indicated that the use of cannabis extracts enriched in either cannabidiol (CBD) or THC showed success in a panel of tumor cell lines that clearly demonstrated, of the five natural compounds tested, cannabidiol is the most potent inhibitor of cancer cell growth and proliferation, Ligresti et al., 2006. CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.

Although many of these findings are still in the preliminary stages, the safety and efficacy of cannabis products is becoming a force to be reckoned with. As legislations have shifted, we hope to see a change in the efforts of Americas health care system to advocate for the efficacy of cannabis to treat up to 93 different ailments including cancer, naturally.


Data has demonstrated the safety and efficacy of CBD in pre-clinical models of breast cancer. The results have the potential to lead to the development of revolutionized non-toxic compounds for the treatment of breast cancer metastasis, and the information gained through recent experiments broaden our knowledge of cannabinoid biology as it pertains to cancer progression Shrivastava et al., 2011.

It has been documented that endo-cannabinoid agents affect multiple signaling pathways and biological processes involved in cancer development. Emerging evidence suggests that agonists of cannabinoid receptors, which share the useful property to differentiate between tumor cells and their unchanged counterparts, could represent a tumor-selective ability to treat cancer in addition to their already exploited use to treat nausea, pain, anorexia and weight loss in cancer patients.

Although further research is needed to confirm recent findings, pre-clinical trials have demonstrated numerous times that cannabis pathways indeed play a role in multiple mechanism associated with cancer and the progression of the disease. Federal legislations have recently enabled the medical industry to take steps towards providing concrete research that will allow people to utilize safe and natural hemp remedies to improve disease and health care outcomes.


New to CBD? check out the related link to the new user guide.

Cannabinoid options of application:

Transdermal (Skin)-Topical Salve: This application is typically used for acute and direct application. Such as an ankle sprain, arthritis, tendonitis, plantar fasciitis, carpal tunnel, tennis elbow, fibromyalgia and migraines. Full-spectrum salves provide a whole panel of cannabinoids for increased potency.

Edible Application

Tinctures: Tincture oils are utilized in full-spectrum form (whole plant derived) and Isolated forms (Pure CBD) that are applied directly under the tongue or mixed in water. This form is typically used for direct application to the central nervous system and the entire body for ailments like anxiety, stress, epilepsy, insomnia, depression, PTSD, autoimmune responses, ADHD, cancer, systemic inflammatory disease such as, cardiovascular disease, diabetes and metabolic syndrome. All applications are available as CBD isolate, broad spectrum and full spectrum.

Soft Gels: Full-spectrum soft gels essentially have the same application as tincture oils. The difference is that each soft gel is measured to a specific milligram to provide a consumer with a perfectly measured dose of CBD. This would be used for any ailments one might use CBD for, including all the ones listed above.

 Superfood powder: Super food green powder has a broad range of greens, phytonutrients, vitamins and of course CBD. This application is great to give some a nice, clean energy boost before a workout or just to get your day started naturally with improved focus.


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