Head to Toe Benefits: What a CBD Tincture Can Do For Mind and Body

Here’s some good news, which many of us in the pro-CBD community are already aware of and which learned folk in general have realized for millennia: cannabidiol (CBD) is helpful in treating several afflictions. This is important for two reasons. First, the public declaration (by the World Health Organization, no less!) that CBD is a …

Exploring CBD’s Benefits to the Neurological System

2019 is proving to be CBD’s year. It is finally becoming more accepted by the day for its general benefits in health, wellness, and beauty. Study after study has borne out findings linking reputable CBD products to improvements and effective treatments of everything from skin complaints, like acne, to autoimmune inflammatory-based disorders, such as rheumatoid …

CBD for Pets: Should You Try It? (Read About the Amazing Benefits)

With the rising popularity of CBD and its effectiveness in treating myriad symptoms in humans, many have started to wonder whether it’s as effective for pets. We here at Honest CBD Reviews also wanted to see if CBD is effective for pets. So we decided … CBD for Pets: Should You Try It? (Read About …

7 Life changing health benefits of CBD for senior citizens

As we age in life, we can soon find that our bodies are no longer quite as strong as they once were. Aging, though, does not have to mean that you need to live a life of minimal activity. It’s common for someone to struggle with their health as they age, but there are many …

Benefits of CBD Water Pre and Post Workout

You’ve heard the saying many times: “Drink at least eight full glasses of water per day for optimal health.” Yes, drinking plenty of water is absolutely an essential part of a healthy lifestyle, especially if you’re heavily active. But more specifically, how can CBD infused water be incorporated into an active lifestyle? How can it …

The Latest Medical Research into CBD Hemp Oil Benefits

Scientists have long understood that each cluster of the human body’s neurotransmitters works in varied ways. But it wasn’t until a group of scientists dedicated years to studying the effects of marijuana on people that they discovered a new neurotransmitter system. They called this system—where the effects of marijuana are felt—the endocannabinoid system (ECS), in …