Man suffers from chronic pain urges state legislature to reconsider CBD oil

RAPID CITY, S.D. (KOTA TV) – CBD oil has split the nation, for or against legalizing. The hemp derivative has no THC, the ingredient that gets you high.

Those for legalizing the oil feel there’s a learning curve for people against the medicinal product.

“If you suffered in pain like we probably did and you tried it and you liked it and it worked, why wouldn’t you use it,” says Dennis Schwartz, a former CBD oil user.

Schwartz suffers from back pain and was taking various prescription medications to ease the burning feeling he had in his legs.

When he was first introduced to CBD oil and heard it could be beneficial for pain, he and his wife, who suffers from diabetes, were both curious to try it.

“It just makes it easier in a sense because you don’t have to go to the doctor and get a prescription and all that kind of stuff. You can just use it at your own free will,” says Schwartz.

Since stores in Rapid City had to take CBD oil off their shelves, Schwartz and his wife no longer have access to the oil. He tells us they see a big difference.

“It’s affecting her … big time. I would say to the people that think it’s so bad, if they would have know how she was then and how she was after she took it and now back to the other way again, they would see the difference,” Schwartz explained.

One of the local shop owners who formerly sold CBD oil is planning to make a trip to Pierre to talk with state legislators.

Original Article by ABC News

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